Why is my Hippo tang Turning Black?


Active Member
i have a un normal situation so to speak.
i have a hippo tang and he is about 2-3 inches.
where the black line is on him , there is a blck cloud like thing untill it fades to a drak dark blue color.
the cloud of black follows the black line
it folows the black line on him nd runs down the top of him onto his face.
what in the worl would it be?
i will get my peramteters up tonigh (b4 or after the WC?)
and a pic will be up as well.
please help.


Active Member
the pics dont show it as bad. but it is worse if u saw the actul fish. he barely looks blue.


Staff member
Wow, I've never seen that before. How is he doing aside from turning black?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Wow, I've never seen that before. How is he doing aside from turning black?
hes fine. he dosent seem to show an y stress at all.
he swims around happily. he likes to play in the current from time to time and pick at the glass.
the cloud thing im tryint to explain is worse on the f ish as stated. the color has turned more black over the last ew months.
its wierd i no but boought him as a small hippo and he was a roayl blue and now the color has changed lol
thanx for the reply


Active Member
as u can see in the ist pic, if u look carefully u can see the line where the black is supposed to be but the black just covers it and more


Active Member
it is definitely pigmentation and not anything ontop of the scales? that thing looks awesome if it is pigmentation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
it is definitely pigmentation and not anything ontop of the scales? that thing looks awesome if it is pigmentation.
i know its rare if it is pigmentation but would it be like tht when i bouhgt it at about 1.5 inches?
also if it was something Other* then pigmentation wouldnt it be on all my fish?


That does not look like any disease or infection that I have ever seen. It looks as though that may be a rare pigmentation of the fish. Look closely at the fish with the lights on with a magnifying glass. You will notice anything out of the ordinary besides his color. Let us know.


Originally Posted by Hefner413
One of my clowns gets real dark sometimes - could this be similar???
Fish often get darker depending on their mood. Clowns do that a lot. Do you have a pair? The one getting darker would be the female I believe.


Active Member
That indeed is odd...I am also wanting to know the reason behind that...Like mentioned before if it is just an odd color mutation and nothing more that would be a neat fish to house..


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
That indeed is odd...I am also wanting to know the reason behind that...Like mentioned before if it is just an odd color mutation and nothing more that would be a neat fish to house..
yeah its neat. but im not going to lie.. i hope he grows out of it. if he dosent ths fine lol
i just cant wait to see him all full grown. if it stays and its like the full 10-12 inchs.. it will look AMAZING! lol