Why is my Hippo tang Turning Black?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
just wondering, what do you heat the tank with?
a heater.... haha
im sorry and im an idiot nd i dont remeber how big the heater is.. i no.dumb.
but it keeps the temp up and where its supposed to be. but i have yat to figure out if it was at 81 cus of the lights. as of now the tank is at 77-78.


The black realy does not concern me because of the way that it turned black. The blue on his belly turning pale blue-white does concern me. Why did you mess with the heater? 81 was just fine. I personally keep mine at 79-80. How is this fish eating?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
The black realy does not concern me because of the way that it turned black. The blue on his belly turning pale blue-white does concern me. Why did you mess with the heater? 81 was just fine. I personally keep mine at 79-80. How is this fish eating?
he is eating fine.
but his belly is a little paler then ususal. i have yet to check on him today and i will make sur ei do and get b ack to you.
i messed with the heater cus it was at 81!
i thought u wanter it at like 78. idk. 81 just seemed reallt high


Active Member
i just dont g et it..
ALMOST all his color is back.. and he is a darker blue. and there is only alitle black left. and there is some of his color which is pale.
but the temp was up to like 83-85 and there wasnt any more black on him
so i have no clue what is going on with him..


Active Member
maybe he got cross-bred with a chameleon

are you sure they didnt pull that fish from somewhere around 3 mile island?

maybe he wanted to be a thug and go to the BET awards but he changed his mind

ok enough with the jokes....
is he eating ok? anything abnormal besides... the color?


Active Member
Originally Posted by autofreak44
maybe he got cross-bred with a chameleon

are you sure they didnt pull that fish from somewhere around 3 mile island?

maybe he wanted to be a thug and go to the BET awards but he changed his mind

ok enough with the jokes....
is he eating ok? anything abnormal besides... the color?
haha, the jokes were funny lol
well nthing abnormal.
he is eating and the tank was up to 85 and the color stayed blue..
the temp b4 the heat today was 78.. the color stayed blue.
the temp at 81 THE OTHER DAY (sorry for the caps wanted to p oint it out.. sorry.)
and the black was there till i turned it down!!!
i dont get it !


Active Member
btw. the black tht went down the front of his face,, is now a aple blue/white.
and the belly is slithtly lighter then the rest of the fish.


Bill you have had this tank up to 85. You need to stabelize the temp. 81 was just fine, the swings are stressing this fish. Get it stable. We will see what he looks like later, get the tank stable, that is more important than if it is 78, 79, 80, or 81, set it within that range and keep it STABLE.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Bill you have had this tank up to 85. You need to stabelize the temp. 81 was just fine, the swings are stressing this fish. Get it stable. We will see what he looks like later, get the tank stable, that is more important than if it is 78, 79, 80, or 81, set it within that range and keep it STABLE.
it has ben hard cus the room temp was up to 104 degrees. and the tank 85 then we put in the ac and the tank is now at 79. and STABLE
well he was black at the constat 80-81 and i turned it down and color started to come back.
th swings in temp over the past days hasnt done ne thing to he color. but im telling u.. the color now is better then ever.


sometimes the pigmentation from the black just runs i have heard and had other colleagues have run into this situation before not to this degree but have had the black run on the hippo


Active Member
thought i would share some unuslaul news.
his color is back and looking better then ever. he is the brightest blue i have seen

i will get some pics later if anyone wants.

thank you all from swf.com for ur time.
