Originally posted by Asbury030
ok thank you so i should give it another week?
I didn't realize you were recovering from a crash. Sometimes there is a cloud of dead bacteria after spike in the bioload. Same thing happens with the dead shrimp method. And it should clear up in a week.
You also could use a canister filter with a water polisher cartidridge for this if you have one. In this case it seems likely this is a temporary situation so filtering would help. If it was a running tank then the filtering may be just temporary and the cloud could return. that is until whatever caused the cloud was changed.
As usual i highly recommend you add plant life. The cloud very well could due to high ammonia. plants consume ammonia directly. they also filter out the cloud as well.
If you have no plants you might try leaving the lights off. I did that once when I got some basically dead macros. After a week the tank was clear.
Or you could just let it run for a week and see if it clears up on its own.