why is wmd 30rlt to powerfull


Active Member
My mag 7 crapped the bed 2day
I had this iwaki wmd 30rlt laying around for awile now so I plumbed it inline now my 600 GPH rated overflow can't keep up why is this? I thought this pump was rated around 510 so what am I missing


Active Member
not sure but what you can always do is make a T for the return and put a valve on both of them. that one returns back to the sump in the first compartment and the other goes back to your main tank. you can mess with it so itll be equal with your overflow box.


Active Member
great idea not sure why I didn't think of that and that should be a quick fix right now I have the ball valve throttled back I don't want to keep it like that might overheat the pump but I would like to still know why this pump is so powerful around 5 foot of head


Active Member
not sure either it says that the iwaki is:
Model: WMD30RLT*
Inlet(MPT)/Outlet(MPT): 3/4"/3/4"
Flow Rate @ 4` Head: 510 GPH

Max Head ft: 17.7
have you checked your overflow box to make sure nothing is making it slow down? maybe algae or something stuck there?


Active Member
I just checked nothing that I know of is slowing it down I have a CPR 90 rated for 600 gph wierd thing is if I take out the strainer tube for reducing noise I can run the pump full blast but as soon as I put the tube back in it starts backing up again I still think this pump is too powerfull I bought it off of someone on here wonder if they modified it