why isn't my tank messed up?



hey, I cut corners on all sorts of stuff when setting up my tank, cause i have no patience. I've done somethings wrong deliberately just to see if it really makes a difference. Here's what I've done wrong. In list form:
1. tap water
2. forgot to take the peice of shrimp out used to cycle for like 3 days, and spiked my ammonia to like 4.0
3. got sand from underwater at the beach, instead of spending 40 bucks on "live sand" in a bag.
4. added live rock in seperate 10 pound increments at seperate poitns of the cycle instead of all at once (not sure how bad this is, but whatever)
5. added a clownfish to the tank when my ammonia was still at 2.0-ish just to see what would happen
6. I have no filters whatsoever, only liverock and my ocean sand. ( i do have circulators though)
after I added the clownfish, the ammonia dropped to 0 in like 3 days, and it took 2 weeks to go from 4.0 to 2.0. Then everythign else dropped to 0. I cycled fully in 2.5 weeks. I thought that was weird. So I wated another week to get anythign else, just to keep an eye on the levels, but they were perfect the whole time. So I got a 6 lined wrasse and a royal gramma and a snowflake eel. added them all within an hour of each other. The snowflake eel immediately ate my clownfish cause the pet store I guess hadn't fed him that day. The other 2 fish did perfectly fine. I waited a week, no spike of anything from "overloading my bioload" or anything. Nothing. So I went out and bought a coral beauty. Added that. Then the next day my LFS got in a flame angel and was sellign it for 19.99.....I figured they didn't know what it was, and thats like 1/3rd the price they usually are, so I bought it, forgetting I had a coral beauty in the tank already and everyone advises agaisnt 2 angelfish. I added it anyway to see what would happen, cause I thought that theyde lookreally cool in the tank together, lots of color. I added the flame and they fought for about 5 minutes, chasing each otehr around and I thought I'de just killed them both, so in a last ditch effort I fed a cube of mysis shrimp. Both ate the food and stopped fighting, and havent messed with each otehr sense (been about 2 weeks). And my levels are still all at 0. I also have never done a water change. I also have had zero evaporation, and my corals are all thriving. my zoos and GSP are actually spreading already.
Why did so many thigns work out? by all means, I should have 2 dead angelfish, crazy high nitrates, algae everywhere from no filtration, and an overall crashed tank. Am I just the worlds biggest lucksack, or have all these thigns I've done "wrong" simply thigns noone's ever tried themselves, but just parrot the "right answer" to people everytime they ask a question (like "you CANOT keep coral beauty and flame angels togehter PERIOD").
What gives?


time from tank with nothing but mixed saltwater in it to now is about 3 months, forgot to add that.


Active Member
Tick tock tick tock.... either this is a load of BS as early bird pointed out. Or, you are sitting on the biggest time bomb an aquarist can set up for themselves. There is no logic to this... this has a 100% certainty to fail its just a matter of when. I would seriously like to see pics and actual test results from your water.


Active Member
Here is my "quick" response to you.
1. Tap water will not kill your fish. In fact when I started saltwater, thats all I used. What you will see over time is that your algea outbreaks will be more common and your chemicals will be inbalanced. At the end of the day will it kill anything...no.
2. This is called feeding your tank. It cycles you water faster IMO.
3. Getting sand from the ocean is just like getting sand from anywhere else. It is not live sand. It is just substrate. Live sand has benificial organisms in it for bio-filtering.
4. Adding live rock at different times is not bad at all. The more live rock you have the better your water will be.
5. Clownfish are hardy fish. They (like damsels) can handle swings in water quality. they are just more expensive.
6. Your filters are the liver rock. You will see a difference without filters once your bioload from your eel goes up. Just wait.
As for the angels. This has been done time and time again. I have 3 large angels together in my 180 and they get along like family. Is this the norm? No. Would I suggest that all try this? No. Does it work out sometimes...more often yes than no. Your fish will remain friendly if you keep them fed and you have room for them to hide. Now you will see a problem with these guys if your water quality does not stay high.
If you dont keep your SFE well fed then it will be having angel for dinner.
Be prepared as the flaming will most likely start King...


Active Member
King - how do you not have evaporation? This is simple science and is impossible? Dont you have lights? Do you have powerheads? Is your house under the water?
I am perplexed


The snowflake eel immediately ate my clownfish cause the pet store I guess hadn't fed him that day.
Dude how could u be so nonchalant about this whole thing...jus to see what would happen? not cool


Active Member
Its actually IMPOSSIBLE to have 0 evaporation, unless the tank is completely sealed from the air as well as the sump or whatever you happen to use as filtration. This i find to be highly unlikely


Active Member
what size tank is this? do you have a glass lid on it? a sump? fans?
these factors greatly effect evap. i have a closed 29 that takes forever to evap a noticeable amount, but i assure you, it does happen, as i assure your tank is evaporating SOME water.
the things you have done are not necessarily DEFINITE NOs, but rather, suggested against. some things maybe building and come back to haunt you later on. double check your test kits brands, qaulity, and date of purchase.
pics of this operation would help. and good job on the expensive SFE meal....


Active Member
I think this guy is just pulling your chains. OBVIOUSLY we know that he is lying about certain things such as evaporation. Sounds like he is just looking for someone to flame him for kicks.


Active Member
His profile says he is 19. The tank is a 40gal tank with 4 fish suitable for his aquarium a few corals some hermits snails yada yada yada... I seriously doubt this is a serious post...seriously...


lol I was prepared for this....
but honestly, I've had like no evaporation. I have no sump or anything, just a tank with a glass lid on it, with a slight crack where the powerhead cables come out from under it. ok...maybe not ZERO evaporation, but like, 1/4th an inch MAX. and I think most of that is from me putting my hand in the tank to feed the eel and taking my hand out removes some water (obviously). I've never added more water, yet you still can't see the water level below the little wood grain rim on the top of the tank, which goes about half an inch down from the top. And I didn't fill the tank to the rim to begin with casue it was too hard to keep from sloshing out while stirring the salt.
I REALIZE that you think it's a time bomb. I thought so too for about 2 months now.....but wouldn't it have crashed ALREADY???? It seems like I would at the VERY least have like 60 nitrates or something. I've got extra salt on hand, ready to do a water change if I need to, but the need has never arose. The highest the trates ever went was like 5. but they went down (im assuming from algae sucking it out of the water and I removed the algae from the glass)


i use tap water b/c i am a poor student, and i had terrible problems w/ algae until i got a phosphate remover. now all is well.


oh and the clown fish was 8 bucks (they always are at one of the LFS's...they're really small though) which is why i added it "just to see what happens". so it was well worth 8 bucks to me to see if it owuld live, and that's not really THAT expensive of a SFE meal. I didn't get upset at al really, it was almsot worth the money to watch him eat it. It was really fluid in its attack and I was kinda mesmerized by how fast the eel got once he saw the little dude.


Originally Posted by tmgpp
oh ya, change your water.
it doesn't take that long........you lazy___.
what doenst take that long???? for your trates to get to a level where it needs to be changed??? cause I just re-checked my levels about 30 minutes ago after feeding the stuff and it gives me a reading of 0-5.


Active Member
Originally Posted by king_nothing_
oh and the clown fish was 8 bucks (they always are at one of the LFS's...they're really small though) which is why i added it "just to see what happens". so it was well worth 8 bucks to me to see if it owuld live, and that's not really THAT expensive of a SFE meal. I didn't get upset at al really, it was almsot worth the money to watch him eat it. It was really fluid in its attack and I was kinda mesmerized by how fast the eel got once he saw the little dude.
You're definitely not going to make many friends on this board talking like that. These are LIVING CREATURES that you're talking about here.