Why???ohh Why??


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:help: Why do 9/11 families get benefits of upto and beyond 1M$ for death of family member but families of fallen soldiers recieve only $250,000 (if they paid for the insurance.) :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :mad:


Active Member
Well, only resently was raised to that much. But you have to ask the people who control that stuff....


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morals of an individual are completely different than an insurance company... Ins. companies steal daily...


Active Member
but on the other side... a soldier does put himself in harms way... knowingly... would be difficult to get insured and bare huge premiums for the average citizen...


yea i work at a

and deal withthose insurance companies often
they give people so much crap day in and day out its INSANE


Active Member
this 1M$ awarded to families of "fallen" firefighters/police and workers was not "insurance money per say. lus if you are a firefighter you accept those risk/same with a police man


Active Member
Because fighting is in a day's work for soldier's. Especially if they are in, oh say, the war? That's part of it.
9/11 victims, most of them were at work. Office work. On a plane ride. Their jobs didn't consist of fighting.
Now the firefighters and whatnot that got killed, I somewhat agree with what you're saying... But money shouldn't be an issue... I think as long as you have the memory of a loved one, it sounds selfish to be complaining about money... Correct me if I'm wrong.
My best friend is in the Marines and my dad was in Vietnam... So I want to verify that I'm not just a little girl who knows nothing about war. I'm an Army brat and I was raised in a militia-style family...


Active Member
Did I say that anywhere? No. Don't put words in my mouth.
It's the type of VOLUNTARY job that you take on. You know there is gunfire and bombs in war.
Normally a firefighter doesn't go to work thinking, 'Hm... well, I'll bet there's gonna be airplanes crashing into the Twin Towers this morning!'. And I'm sure business employees don't dress their best in case planes are due to crash into their offices...


Active Member
How can any of you talk about morals and unjust actions and then place a fit price tag on the value of human life? Nobody who loses a family member, reguardless of their occupation, will ever be satisfied by these reparations. The money these people get is not to sooth their pain it is to ensure that these people will be financially taken care of for the rest of their lives.


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Originally Posted by coachKLM
so someone who does their job away from home doesnt deserve tha same as one who does it at home?
Coach you are correct and I agree with you 110%


Active Member
It IS a soldier's job to be away from home and fight, and possibly die for your country.
Last time I checked, they don't teach you how to fire arms in Accounting.
They deserve credit, it's not that... it's just that they KNOW that the war is going on. These people had no clue. Their jobs didn't require them to know that each day could be their last.
It's just that this topic is complaining about monitary values; while I personally think that you should be worried more about the people.
Lives > Money


Active Member
Let me make sure I understand you correctly. Are you saying that a soldier knowingly accecpts this type of risk because they voluntarily place themselves in harms way?


Active Member
I'm sorry about the thousands that lost their lives in the 9/11. But what about those that died in Oklahoma City by an American ex-soldier? Coach; as a disabled vet has a view. The rest of us don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a 20 year Marine Corps veteran, but am not complaining about my 2 broken feet, shot knees, bad back, severe arthiritis in my spine, injections I have to get reguraly in my neck all the way to the spine, chronic neck and shoulder pains, loss of hearing, poisoned blood (by a parasite and cannot donate blood),
and unexplained skin conditions (Gulf War).
Isn't the SGLI up to $400,000 now?
What about the "A-holes" that protest at a fallen soldiers funeral about homosexuality etc.? Whats that got to do with an American boy or girl defending our freedom?
Don't get me started.


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Originally Posted by Phixer
Let me make sure I understand you correctly. Are you saying that a soldier knowingly accecpts this type of risk because they voluntarily place themselves in harms way?

Uh, yeah, actually. I don't think young people sign up for the military thinking, "Gee, I wonder what happens during war? Do you think they're going to shoot at us?". You have to go in thinking, "I may never come back home." And that is why I respect anyone that goes into the armed forces. As I said previously, my best friend is in the Marines, and every male in my family (mother's AND father's side) has been in the armed forces AND a war. My father is a disabled vet. from Vietnam. He always stressed to me and my brother about how you go into the military to defend your country, your family. It is NOT about money.
I get what you are saying, guys, but it just upsets me that all it seems to mean to you is money. Is EVERYTHING about money?
A dead loved one is a dead loved one. No amount of money will bring them back. I spend more time being thankful that I was blessed with my brother's short-lived life than wondering how much money I can get out of him being gone...


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Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Uh, yeah, actually. I don't think young people sign up for the military thinking, "Gee, I wonder what happens during war? Do you think they're going to shoot at us?". You have to go in thinking, "I may never come back home." And that is why I respect anyone that goes into the armed forces. As I said previously, my best friend is in the Marines, and every male in my family (mother's AND father's side) has been in the armed forces AND a war. My father is a disabled vet. from Vietnam. He always stressed to me and my brother about how you go into the military to defend your country, your family. It is NOT about money.
I get what you are saying, guys, but it just upsets me that all it seems to mean to you is money. Is EVERYTHING about money?
A dead loved one is a dead loved one. No amount of money will bring them back. I spend more time being thankful that I was blessed with my brother's short-lived life than wondering how much money I can get out of him being gone...
OK, got it. So then since a soldier knowing accecepts this risk the soldiers family should also accept a lesser ammount because the solidiers job is inherently more dangerous.
Just want to make sure Im understanding you correctly.


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Uh, yeah, actually. I don't think young people sign up for the military thinking, "Gee, I wonder what happens during war? Do you think they're going to shoot at us?". You have to go in thinking, "I may never come back home."
I agree 110% Namine!! I am from another country, yet I respect the servicemen and what they stood up for. What i found it disturbing is that, some of the men and women DURING their service, and how they complained that they are fighting a war that is wrong. Well, these kind of comments are detrimental to the morale of the troops, and back in my country, you could get shot to make comments like that since you will be considered as defeatist. And some men and women enrolled because of the incentives, they get their tuition fees on college paid by the government. But do they stop and think the saying "there is no such thing as free lunch in this life". What im saying, if you are willing to take the money the government payed for your tuition, you have to be willing to be call into service when the country needs you. and What? they think that before 9/11 that the US would never go to war again?
for example, i apologize, Cindy Sheehan, i know she is sad due to the death of her son, but she needs to know, if I, get drafted by the government of Indonesia, and even if the war turned out to be bogus, i would still die for my country without a doubt.
Again, i support for what the US military has done,not just for the people of USA, but the world itself!!