Why only in the summer?


I read on this site that Harlequin Tusks are usually available only in the summer. Does anyone know why?


Active Member
I don't know specifically but I could believe there is a "season" for them, that fisheries managers may impose (eg like there is a season for many other fish we eat). It may reflect a spawning season for them or some other issue.


Active Member
Unless tank raised there are actually restrictions seasonally on most of the fish for aquaria that are caught in the wild. Most of it has to do with fishery management and the ability to allow the fish some peace during the spawning season.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
Unless tank raised there are actually restrictions seasonally on most of the fish for aquaria that are caught in the wild. Most of it has to do with fishery management and the ability to allow the fish some peace during the spawning season.
I think this is especially true of Australian fish, the source of the best tusks (IMO). The Aussies really manage their resource. You can usually find some IO tusks year around. There are a couple online sites that have Aussie tusks now.


the aussie tusks have a brighter coloring and a bit more blue in them. if you see them side by side you can easily tell which one is an aussie .


Active Member
Originally Posted by n8ball2013
the aussie tusks have a brighter coloring and a bit more blue in them. if you see them side by side you can easily tell which one is an aussie .
Aussies are also not (very) subject to collection by cyanide. Most Aussie Tusks are caught on a barbless hook & line by divers.


ah thank you for that tidbit of info. The tusk is one of my favorite fish that i can not have. My tank is a reef and I cannot afford to have the tank it would take to house them properly. of course if i leave it up to my wife I could have one. Thats how you get a puffer in your reef tank as well.


Originally Posted by n8ball2013
ah thank you for that tidbit of info. The tusk is one of my favorite fish that i can not have. My tank is a reef and I cannot afford to have the tank it would take to house them properly. of course if i leave it up to my wife I could have one. Thats how you get a puffer in your reef tank as well.
Why can't you have one in a reef? Is it because they will eat your shrimp? I have a reef, but I don't have any shrimp. I had a tusk for a little while, but he only made it a month. It has been a long time, so I am thinking of trying again. I really can't make up my mind.


yes he will eat shrimp plus my wife likes little docile fish so i dont want to run the risk of him picking off one of her precious. lol Id never hear the end of it even though they are not very aggressive.
Originally Posted by n8ball2013
the aussie tusks have a brighter coloring and a bit more blue in them. if you see them side by side you can easily tell which one is an aussie .
Can someone PLEASE PLEASE post pics of the 2 so I can see the difference?