Why Puffers "Puff"?


I know why, or what the text books say: but any other info on the subject,
Has anyone had a puffer puff for no good reason, for attention?
Yes, I know they only do it during stress, and it's not the first thing they will do, but.....
other opinions, or experiances......


IME puffers sometimes puff for no apparent reason and then return to normal. I have had several do this at times when they were very healthy and established in the tank.
Sometimes I have seen puffers stay partially puffed when they are sick or overly stressed.
Also, puffers will try to puff when being removed from a tank. It can be very dangerous if they fill with air instead of water. :jumping: :jumping:


Active Member
....anyone ever take a pick of their puffed-out puffer?
what a great invention. Mother nature musta had a sense of humor that day


If it’s dangerous for them to fill with air should you try to get them to puff before you net them and pull them out? I have been curious on how they net and bag them safely.


My df puffer will sometimes puff up a bit when he has over-eaten and has a bit of ageda. Thats what I think.
Fear will make them puff for sure. My little guy once puffed up a bit I think because there was a fly on the outside of his tank and it scared him.
And when they release the water inside, I think they do it by blowing on the sand in spurts. You will see little tiny curved out spots on the sand, that is when i think they are releasing the ingested fluid from the puffing.
I do think that most of the time they puff because they become afraid and it is defense.


my puffer has done it a few times. 1 time he did it when i was pulling him out to put him in my QT he puffed as i was pulling him out with my net. Scared the hell out of me because I thougt he had filled up with air instead of water but when i put him in the QT he when back to normal as soon as i put him in the water. other times he has done it when my small tang gets a little pushy with him. My little tang thinks he is the tuffest one in the tank.
they do this when they get scared as a typeof defence.


I feed mine gosht shrimp, snails, frozen krill, all this helps were the puffers teeth down. From what i have read anything that has a shell that they can eat will help them. Mine really like the snails Id wake every morning and see them tumped over were he has been trying to get to them. He has successfully filled his belly with snails I remove empty shells all the time.


My little guy is an odd one. I put 5 ghost shrimp in his tank and he is treating them like tank mates. Never ate them or acted like he was going to.
I think I make my fish finicky by spoiling them. I have 2 oscars that won't eat anything else except crickets. They look fine on them, I'm not worrying.