Why RO water


Active Member
Yep that was a concern of mine also. I still test the water every now and then just to make sure all is OK.
The other morning I went to the water island kind of early and was lucky enough to run into the guy that does maintenance. I asked about the process and was told the station is cleaned and sanitized every day and filters are changed as needed.
I asked how is it determined when a filtrer is in need of changing and was told they do visual inspection and have test procedures to determine when a change is needed. He seemed like a busy guy and not really wanting to go into detail. He did show me some of the filtration and let me tell you it was very clean.
I have never had a problem with this water source and have been using it now for several months.


Twoods71, you just posted one of my questions for me - "How good is a little $200 RODI filter that I could buy compared to the commercial systems which cost in excess of $1000?" This concern is why I bought 75 gallon of bottled water instead of purchasing the filter for myself. Could you find the brand of water you are buying. If I know that, I can call supermarkets in the area to see if any of them have a station like you described. Granted, the personal unit would be much more convenient, but for now, I would feel safer buying the commercially bottled water. Excelent idea!
SaltyWashington - Thanks for rasing the question about purity thus giving Twoods71 the chance to explain his experience.


Active Member
I use RO water which I buy from a local water store. She charges $4 for 5 gallons usually....but since I buy so much she gives it to me for $2.50 per 5 gallons. CANADIAN FUNDS!. Works out to $0.50 per gallon Canadian....so what's that, $0.32 USD per gallon? I would rather use RO/DI water, and I do plan on purchasing my own unit in the future.


Active Member
I looked into getting a home system myself but just didnt see the need when I had a water source that offered the purest water I could get only a few minutes away.
I go to a water island, not one of the units found at a store. These are usualy found in the middle of a shopping center parking lot.
A $200 home unit or most home units for that mater could not compare to the process these units use. I cant remember every filtration step but I know there is sediment filtration both course and fine, twice carbon, RO, UV, ion exchange, and a few other steps.
Here is a picture of a filtration unit from one of the water vending machine companies I found on the internet. It is not the exact one I saw but will give you an idea of what they use. In fact the one I saw looked a bit more complex then this one.


i buy my water from a machine... and if anyone else does I would test it first I've got water from a couple places where it had ammonia and nitrites in it. One place the machine had in big letters "Reverse Osmosis" and stated that it had been through a few other filters including UV and was worse then what came out of my tap:mad:
Just gladed I tested before the water changes