Why tank looks green


yeffre kix

I've been trying to take pics of my tank, but they come out with a green tinge to the water. The tank is glass but has a low iron front to reduce the green appearence. The lighting 10,000k MH and VHO actinics (about 3 months old). Now that I see the color in the digital photos its bothering me when I look at the tank in person.


New Member
The glass itself is giving you the green tint. Some manufacturers use a lower quality glass, giving the green look that you have. The aquarium is slightly less expensive that way, but the asthetics leave something to be desired. Nice set up though.

yeffre kix

I bumped up the lighting by adding 4 48" actinic VHO's. It made a huge difference! The corals are glowing and the tank has a very pleasing blue/white cast to it now. I thought the original 1500 watts would drown out the additonal lights, but they blended very nicely.