Why the media frenzy?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
I no little about hunting, but is it not a rule that you don't shoot until you see the prey?

Yup... the problem with bird hunting is, depending on whether you are right or left handed, you have a "blind spot" as you lead the bird to the left or right; And, with bird shot on a 28 gauge shotgun you've got a pretty big "pattern" that sprays BB's over a large area.


New Member
No, not everyone who has gone bird hunting has been sprayed with birdshot. Unfortunately it's not an uncommon occurance though. Any person handling a gun is responsible for the proper safe handling of the gun. An avid hunter is very aware of the range of the gun he is handling. If more than one person is hunting together they are to ALWAYS be certain of the whereabouts of the hunting partner. If they are not certain they don't pull the trigger and they certainly don't swing and blindly shoot without knowing their partner is out of range. Another safety rule of thumb is that a person should avoid all alcoholic beverages before using a firearm, Cheney admitted to having one beer before hand. These are things that are taught to all children taking a hunter safety course. Handling a firearm is a dangerous matter and requires a very high degree of personal resposibility. There is no excuse for accidently shooting someone, even if it's due to being careless because this is something youve done thousands of times. People act as if what happened to this guy, who had a heart attack by the way, is just a run of the mill hunting accident, simple stray birdshot spray, that can happen to anyone. This guy was SHOT, not sprayed, in the face and the chest at such a range that one of the pellets penetrated his body and lodged in his heart. Cheney is wihout a doubt negligently responsible for this mans condition.


Active Member

Originally Posted by crimzy
Possibly the answer is more of an issue of natural selection. Let the hunters take each other out... then the more intelligent members of society will reproduce. (this
is not directed at joe in particular... just hunters in general).
It's too bad your
ancestors didn't hunt....I wouldn't have to read your posts.
If I don't respond to any of your posts it's because you just went on my ignore list. Thousand of people hunt without shooting other human beings. The intelligent ones were busy feeding the bleeding hearts of the world. Implying that people who hunt are unintelligent is beyond obtuse.


Staff member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Possibly the answer is more of an issue of natural selection. Let the hunters take each other out... then the more intelligent members of society will reproduce.
is not directed at joe in particular... just hunters in general).

I don't particular like hunting either, crimzy, but lets not purposefully make comments that inflame discussions on this forum. The topic should remain on the topic, not divert to personal comments or attacks. Once it gets personal, especially in hot topics such as the politically themed, then the topic usually will end up closed.
I'm sure you understand what I mean.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
I don't particular like hunting either, crimzy, but lets not purposefully make comments that inflame discussions on this forum. The topic should remain on the topic, not divert to personal comments or attacks. Once it gets personal, especially in hot topics such as the politically themed, then the topic usually will end up closed.
I'm sure you understand what I mean.
You have my most sincere and humble apology. That comment was truly not intended to be an attack, just a poor attempt at levity. Actually I thought it was pretty funny... (hmm... what smily works here? how about


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Ok, Cheney accidentally shoot a friend while hunting this happens. But I have never seensomeone that shot someone while hunting, call the the police, and ambulance and then turn around a contact the newspapers and tv media. Normally that is done by the authorities...like police and investigators....with any criminal act or accident.
Yet, here the media is pissed off because they weren't told fast enough. Get over it, you were told the next day, when most other incidents such as this would have been reported.
There is a media frenzy because the media is a majority of liberals. Liberals hate the current presidency and will do anything to try and sling mud at at.


Hey, Crimzy, I'n with you-thought it was funny. One of the funniest far side cartoons I ever saw was a pic of armed deer walking around looking for hunters saying
"Now, this is a sport"
We live in the least populated county in our state and hunters are everywhere. People take their 5 and 6 year old kids into the woods and teach them how to shoot anything that moves. Someone get shot'accidentally' almost every other day.
I carry a 38 when I am out and when I hear shotguns going off nearby, I shoot my 38 into the air and yell to let them know I am an armed human, not an unarmed creature.
Orange vests dont deter them-some of these people are so anxious for a'kill' they shoot first and look later. It is dangerous business indeed!


New Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
There is a media frenzy because the media is a majority of liberals. Liberals hate the current presidency and will do anything to try and sling mud at at.
As far as this goes. I do believe that any vice president, liberal or conservative, who shot a hunting partner would generate a huge media blitz. No one can tell me that if Gore had shot someone while in office, or even now for that matter, that the media wouldn't be all over it. The media is obviously abound with sensationalists and the vice president of the U.S. shooting someone is a pretty sensational story.


Staff member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
There is a media frenzy because the media is a majority of liberals. Liberals hate the current presidency and will do anything to try and sling mud at at.
And the same will happen when the shoe falls on the other foot. Keep that in mind. LOL


Active Member
Do you wanna know how you stop the media? ...You dont watch the news or TV....I stopped months ago....its great... besides who really cares what cheney...and other people do?...I personally care about local events ..because on a higher scale of things theres NOTHING we can do to affect our national government...heck our votes dont even for much anymore...its all based on what the select rich say. So down with the news, up with relaxing...fishing,sleeping,eatting...and living care free.
anyways... just my 2 cents.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Granny
I shoot my 38 into the air
Please don't do this anymore. The odds of your bullet poking a hole in the moon are pretty slim. The odds are good, however, that this chunk of lead will return to the earth. If you can't control where the lead lands, please don't discharge your sidearm. A few years ago a woman was shot and killed as she washed dishes at her kitchen sink. 2 miles away a couple guys were shooting at a pond. They could not even see the house that their bullets were hitting after they bounced off the surface of the water. I've said it before...."THE MAN (or woman) WITH THE GUN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHERE THE LEAD LANDS"
I believe firearm safety should be taught in school. My eldest children know how to safely handle a firearm and that you don't aim at anything you don't INTEND TO KILL. (you can't kill the sky so why shoot at it)
I am very passionate about this issue and hope I don't offend anyone. I don't hunt either. If you kill something you should eat it. I used to hunt with my dad (I didn't shoot him) and realized I didn't like to eat what I'd killed. By showing me first hand, my dad taught me a valuable lesson. Hunting is not a sport. It is a means of survival. I do, however, own several guns and was once an avid collector.
Mr Cheney realizes he was responsible. Being republican, I mean the VP, I'm sure the press will ensure he is prosecuted to the fullest extent permitted by law, if applicable.
Oh...........and thanks mods for deleting my previous post as it was antagonistic. I just wonder how many people looked up the word obtuse before it was erased.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jer4916
So down with the news, up with relaxing...fishing,sleeping,eatting...and living care free.
anyways... just my 2 cents.
Right On, brother.