Why The Sally Lightfoots?

Well I have had 3 now that have pasted on. I don't understand why. I have other shrimp and all my corals are fine. The sallies live great for a few months then die? Am I missing something they have need of? Yes there is lots of live rock. Yes I iodine. Yes my tank has been running for about 3 years. What else is there. I would think they would be a simply crab


Active Member
Iodine will stress them, can push them to prematurely molt. With normal water changes there is rarley a reason to dose Iodine unless you have very LARGE colonies of particular softies. IMO
I've had one for less than a month and he/she regenerated a claw and leg and seems to be doing great. Hides a lot, but now I'm nervous it won't survive. I don't have a ton of algae and I don't see it eat anything else, any tips?


Active Member
mine eats everything--stuff off the sand, stuff out of the rock, no algae though. if you think its hungry they love meat--give them some shrimp or clam or scallop.
It's kinda small, and I see his claws working quickly, but I can't see what it's eating. I break up the krill in my fingers when I feed so some stuff gets to the shrimp and crabs, I guess he's doing ok, if he's regenerated limbs and not racing around for food when I feed.
Sorry to hear about your crabs dying "just fishing", did you do any crime scene investigation/forensic analysis? Did the crab have marks like something could have killed it, do you have aggressive fish, was it discolored before dying, etc.?
I don't have anything that would takle him. All my fish are very peaceful. He eats like a freak or looks to be eating anyway. I don't have any problems out of the other shrimp or crabs in the tank the all molt and live just fine.
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Iodine will stress them, can push them to prematurely molt. With normal water changes there is rarley a reason to dose Iodine unless you have very LARGE colonies of particular softies. IMO
Also to answer this yes I do add some to the water but I have over 40 stalks of xinea and many kinds of mushrooms and cloves????


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Iodine will stress them, can push them to prematurely molt. With normal water changes there is rarley a reason to dose Iodine unless you have very LARGE colonies of particular softies. IMO
I agree. Iodine is also very easy to overdose. Like ReefForBrains mentioned, your salt mix will contain all of the iodine you need. I would stop the dosing. Good Luck to you!!!


Are you sure they didn't just molt. It's very hard to tell without seeing the slf and molt or smelling it. I know I took a molt out to check one time because it was on its back and looked like it was moving.
Ya.. I'm sure it's no molt. I even seen him when he died this time. He was on a rock and moved just a little to the side when I put my hand at him. I woke up in the night and decided to look and he was there with his feet off the rock. I took him out and.....well.... there was meat inside! I always tear the molts to make sure what I have. He was dead or I killed him after I tore him in half one; just to be blunt. Are they more sesitive to iodine than other shrimp and crabs? I have had a copper band shrimp for a year or more?!?


are you testing your iodine after and before you dose it? what are your water parameters? tank size? when i had a sally crab i feed him wit some freezed dried shrimp and he did well.
All my parimeters are great. I don't test iodine...didn't even know they made a test for it. I do not use alot though. As was said all my other shrimp and crabs are doing fine, for years. Just the sally light foots?????


Active Member
Originally Posted by just fishings
I don't have anything that would takle him. All my fish are very peaceful.
Just out of curiousity, what fish do you have?


I've had my slf for a year and I dose with Iodine once a week. Idk
(2) clowns-(1)foxface-(1)mistic angel- (3) damsels-(1) coral banded shrimp-(5)cleaner shrimp-(1)dragonet-(?)snails???? I have more in corals than fish