Why? V-lioness please read & only true fish lovers read

30-xtra high

Active Member
i'm not trying to be insensative, honestly i don't know the grief you are talking about, don't get mad, but i have never felt that way about a fish, however i would feel that way about ym dogs or snakes, but just so you all know, fish have a "slime coat", and when you hold them/ touch them/ pet them, it rubs their slime coat off making them more prone to disease and stress, and thats my guess of why he died.


Active Member
man i know how u feel, my first lion died in 12 hrs of purchase, i cried for so long, but ya ur lion most likely died from old age. and psu lions usually only sting if their spines r erect, if it was dying it wouldnt probably devote its last energy to making it spines stand up and eject venom. and w/ experience w/ lions dying theyre very lazy, not even bothering to fight against currents


Active Member
30, I am sure that everyone knows that fish have a slimecoat. However, holding a lionfish in the palm or on the back of your hand will not harm or stress a lion. My lions do it to me all the time. I cannot clean the tank without them coming up to my hand.
Again, I am sorry for your loss, Michelle.


Active Member
I am thinking to stop the useless bashing we need to close the thread IMO. There really wasn't a question to get answered so the thread served it's purpose at the first post. Barry

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
30, I am sure that everyone knows that fish have a slimecoat. However, holding a lionfish in the palm or on the back of your hand will not harm or stress a lion. My lions do it to me all the time. I cannot clean the tank without them coming up to my hand.
Again, I am sorry for your loss, Michelle.
so are you honestly trying to tell me that petting it doesn't affect their slimecoat at all?, well thats basically just wrong... not trying to sound like such a smart @$$, but i am 100% positive that petting, as in stroking it or rubbing it will rub its coat off. and whats with you guys holding a venemous fish?... sorry, but i don't see why anybody would overlook the danger of venemous spines to hold a fish..
no offense..
Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments. All I wanted to do is share the loss of my fish with other people that understand that sometimes a fish, not all your fish becomes more than just a fish. Just thought it would be a good thread to start because I know other people feel the same way that I do. It may be a hobby, but sometimes you make unexpected friends in the meantime. Kinda hard to not acknowledge a fish that really looks at you with those big eyes and watches your every move. At some point sometimes they can really be a pet. Hell, they will listen to you and not argue or anything. What more could you want, and I am sure there are alot of people that think the same about their cat, dog, etc. why not a fish? Anyway I'm just happy to see that there are people out there that feel the same way I do. Again, THANK YOU!!!


Active Member
I will then close this thread on a good note. Alot of us do love our dogs and cats more than fish and some of us love our fish more. Sorry for your loss. Barry