Why was my post deleted?


Active Member
Why did my post about giving away my Protein Skimmer to anyone in Jacksonville, Fl get deleted? I'm just trying to help someone out that want a free protein skimmer instead of just throwing it in the garbage. Just curious.


Active Member
you might have posted a link that was not allowed BUt other then that im not to sure. What kind of skimmer is it?


Active Member
Nope. I had no links at all. I was just trying to find someone in Jacksonville that wanted it so I could just meet them and give it to them. It's not worth the trouble of taking it somewhere to be shipped. It's also not in the classifieds. It's just gone. :notsure:


sorry to hear that but i would do post another ad in the classifieds so that someone can take you up on your offer, thats very nice of you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by petieaztec
sorry to hear that but i would do post another ad in the classifieds so that someone can take you up on your offer, thats very nice of you.
Yeah, I'll go do that. I had mentioned that it should probably be in the classifieds, but I was listing it here because most people come here and I only know of 4 or 5 people in my city so it was a better chance.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaNoTaNkEr
I talked to parents and they can give me a ride, i just need a date
It's yours then. Send me an email at tangman99me@<nospam>yahoo.com and we can set it up. Remove the <nospam>.


Active Member
When and where was it posted? Normally it would simply have been moved to the classifieds. Unless it was taken over by others. But I can't find a trace of it recently.


Staff member
I saw it this morning but now it is gone. That is werid. Not even visible to mods....


Active Member
there was some early morning nonsense going on. Suicide bombers so to speak......
maybe it got caught up in that...........just a thought.


Active Member
I have no idea. I did notice that my avatar disappeared also. It was a little close to the edge with the "I support single moms" but I've had it for almost a year with no complaints. Maybe another mod saw it and did not like my avatar and just deleted my post and avatar also. Anyway, I changed it just in case. I've been around too long to worry about my avatar bothering someone.

Anyway, Nanotank contacted me and I'm giving it too him so I accomplished what I wanted to do which was help someone out if they needed a protein skimmer.


Active Member
I thought the ava was funny, but I don't think that was it........ like I said...early this a.m. crazy stuff going on...sucidal pack with 3 or 4 members.
Its all good I'm sure....hey free skimmers, can't go wrong with that


Active Member
We don't have the ability to delete avatars. But I will say it was not really considered appropriate, no offense.
The odd thing, as Beth pointed out, is that the thread is not visible to us. There is just no sign of it at all. Strange, but so long as you got the skimmer to someone anyway, its all good. It may have been more of a glitch in some way :notsure: From your description, there was no reason we would have deleted it anyway.


Originally Posted by lovethesea
I thought the ava was funny, but I don't think that was it........ like I said...early this a.m. crazy stuff going on...sucidal pack with 3 or 4 members.
Its all good I'm sure....hey free skimmers, can't go wrong with that

I haven't watch tv all day whats going on with sucidal bombers??? Where at?


Active Member
just on this site. Late Sunday night, early Monday morning...a few members decided to leave the site and let loose before they exited the bldg.


Staff member
The avatar disappearance spells management. And I agree that the avatar was pushing it. We would appreciate it if all members would be considerate when choosing an avatar. Afterall, we don't want to loose the privilege of having them. Think non-offensive, G-Rated. Hobby related would be the best...since this is a fish board.


Active Member
I have no problem with the avatar being gone. I had it so long that I really never gave it a second thought.
Thanks Beth and Ophiura for taking the time to respond even if you did not know.