Why we need more tort reform


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I guess some California ambulance chaser has nothing better to do with his/her time. Let's sue a major food chain because they didn't give you a FREE meal worth around $5.00...
I get more and more sick of this place every day...the weather is great and i only live 2 hours from the beach...but i dont know if it is worth it anymore...this state is in a $#it hole as far as money goes...and we have arnold running this state...


Active Member
Living in CA, I'm not surprised that this is happening. You find some real nut jobs in CA, looking to capitalize on ANY loophole. Not only is it sad, it's borderline disgusting.

el guapo

Active Member
How sad and pathetic . Next they will want to sue because of how unhealthy their free meal was ?