Why won't my leather stand up?


Active Member
I have a yellow leather coral for about a month. It will not stay standing up, keeps leaning over and the poylps haven't come out. I have changed the flow, stonger, calmer, moved it twice and I don't want to keep messing with it but it just won't stand up. It is rather large, about 1 inch base and 3 inches tall.


my toadstool does this occationally right before it "sheds" its skin. but it always stands up again. im not sure how to help.


Active Member
Hey wrassecal it might be that you had it in a good situation (rigth flow) but moved it before it could come out of its funk?? Not sure though - but just a thought. I don't own and have not researched them but a quick search turned up that most leathers like medium to strong flow - so I'd find a spot that has medium to strong flow and settle that guy in for a while and be patient.....
overanalyzer <<<<<<<<< yep what he said :)
Additionally you mentioned it was a yellow? leather. From the picture it appears that most of the cap is bleached but there is still some color in the base. If this is so you could expect a slightly longer recovery time.
The cap also looks a little thin and ragged around the edges instead of thick and smooth. My guess is this particular coral could use a healthy dose of TLC and a lot of time. As suggested put it in med to med strong current (preferably indirect). I can not remember what lighting you currently have but placing it in direct intense light will also keep it from standing up and extending its polyps until acclimated.
If the current is good, the lighting is right and you have it where you want it.....LEAVE IT ALONE :D :D :D
Unless you notice signs of rot it may take several days to 1 week to come out of its slump.
Good Luck

nm reef

Active Member
I had the same situation with a Sarcophyton sp. ...eventually I nearly lost mine. It looked exactly like yours does for a long time...it slowly faded away no matter what I did to try to save it. But...in time it did stabalise and start to recover. I've come to the conclusion that mine was either suffering from some sort of stress or an infection of some kind. Maybe a combination of both.
I'd suggest keeping it in a moderate light/current area and let it recover on its own. In time mine has recovered to become one of my favorite corals. But it went from a 6"-8" addition to a couple of very small 2" infants. One I traded away the other is below....

NMREEF website
“Whiskey for my men...beer for my horses.”


Active Member
I had one that took several months to come out of it's funk. I didn't think it would ever look good. But finally it fully expands. Still not popping polyps consistently but I think it will come around.
I guess it's another one of those "patience" things.
Good Luck!


Active Member
thanks guys:) I'm going to leave it where it is about half way down and in the middle. It gets moderate flow but no direct hits. I do know if I keep messing with it it's only going to make it worse. FWIW it's not bleached at all, just bad photography.


Active Member

Originally posted by mnreefman
nm whats a fellow reefer gota do to get a frag of that leather of yours?

blue zoos! blue zoos! blue zoos! I guess we are going to have to just visit him.

nm reef

Active Member
Actually I hear this far off chat coming from the direction of Oklahoma of ... "blue shrooms...blue shrooms..."
The sarcophyton will probably be fragged eventually but I can't say for sure when. The one shown above is currently the only on I have and I don't plan to cut it up any time soon. Maybe if it continues to grow I'll frag it....so best I can say right now is I'll let ya know if/when I do...:cool:


Active Member
Blue shrooms, blue shrooms, blue shrooms;) Did you go on vacation to AZ yet?
That yellow leather is driving me crazy. Cut itself on the rocks falling over so much, I just moved it to the sand bed....maybe I'm not meant to have them, we'll see.
Had my 7 inch colt that I'd had a year and a half melt on me recently for no reason I can discern and while everyone else in there was blossoming....:confused: