Why would my clowns color be turning grey?


I have 2 clowns I got together and added them at same time. One of the clownfish is losing its color very badly. It is turning grey and fading very badly. Anyone know whats going on? The other fish are just fine just this one.


Not sure if this helps, but both of my clowns turn greyish about 30 mins before the lights go out.
Or sometimes during a water change. They always go back to normal color by morning. Behavior is always the same (good).


What do you feed your clownfish? Could be a nutrition problem.


Not to hijack this thread but since we are all on topic I assume it is ok?
Anyway I mix my food between Cyclop-eeze flakes, Omega flakes and frozen Mysis.


No the fish has been like this for over 3 weeks now constantly. Its action is very weird also kinda seems like its being dominated by the other clown which looks VERY VERY healthy. I am feeding the clowns formula 1, spirilinia (sp), frozen brine. It kinda looks like its skin/scales is coming off on the bottom side now also.


Active Member
Is this "gray" the fish itself or more of a slime coat covering on the fish...?
Is it patchy at all (areas) or more of an over all coloration..
Is he breathing hard or swimming funny...?
I'm thinking maybe Brookenella...do a search here, Disease and Treatment or the Clownfish forum for pics and a better discription...