Why would you want a mantis?


I hear they can break aquarium glass, and are very adept at killing things. Who has successfully kept one, and can recommend it?


Active Member
I think most people want them for their "cool" factor. They are very cool. They also have some awsome colors. I would like to have one but, no space, no money and no tank.


I am successfully keeping one right now. And I do recommend it. I got one in a live rock shipment and instead of flushing it I decided to keep it. It's in a 2 gallon $25 tank from WalMart with undergravel filter, gravel and 20 watt light (all included in the tank package) The only thing I added was a piece of live rock from my 55 gallon reef. I feed it pieces of coctail shrimp every now and then (whenever I feel like it) and change the water only when I have extra from a water change on the 55. I have no idea what the water parameters are; I haven't checked it in months. I say all of this to paint a picture of how easy keeping a mantis can be. I know most people wouldn't recommend neglecting a tank this much but it can be done. Mantis shrimp do not require perfect water conditions.
Besides the ease of caring for a Mantis, they are also very interesting. They're very intelligent and have a personality like no other fish (or invertebrate). As I sit in front of the tank he will sometimes stare back at me and I can see the wheels turning inside his mind.
Anyway, I didn't mean to ramble. Yes, I recommend keeping one. They don't cost a lot of time, attention, or (most importantly) money.

bang guy

I think Mantis are great in a species tank. They "learn", and are incredible predators.
Meet Stomper:


OK they're definitely cool. Can they be kept with anything else, or only in a species tank?


Active Member
Hey Bang Guy, Stomper isn't yours is he/she? I know I've seen that exact picture more than once on more than one board, most of which are just educational, and no BB at all. So, did you just IMG that, or is he/she yours?

bang guy

Stomper was sold a couple months ago. I wanted the tank for something else and someone was REALLY wanting to keep a Mantis.
The Picture is mine :) I donate pictures to causes I deem worthy.
Thank you for asking! I appreciate keeping us honest.


Is it a common thing to get a Mantis in a shipment of live rock? I think they're pretty, but I "do not" want one in my tank and I'm a little worried after all these posts.:p


New Member
Mantis shrimps sometimes referred to by some as the 'roach of the sea' are definitely hated by some but valued by others.
I have three specimens in my tank and they are quite interesting.
Though the large variety which can grow to 5-8 inches long are reputed to be able to shatter glass with the blows from their hard calcified forearms, my two larger critters (about 2 inches long each) are harmless in my tank.
They are extremely cautious and rarely venture out of their burrows. Instead they sit at the entrance with their two eyes,
which many describe as displaying uncanny intelligence, peeking out.
If you have small snails in your tank, they may become food for the mantis shrimp, as mine can often be heard pounding away at some snail until it smashes its shell with its forearms.
And yes I too think they are cool little creatures! :p


Our LFS ordered one in special for someone last week- you should have seen the thing-- it was almost 8 inches long!!!!
I had to double check with the store owner to make sure it was really a mantis- i had never seen one that big before. talk about cool!

bang guy

I have eaten Mantis that exceeded 12", probably closer to 14". They are very common, I'm just glad it's not my job to catch them :eek:

bang guy


Originally posted by jonthefb
you ate them Bang? a little confused here

LOL yes. They are a common menu item in the Phillipines when I was there as a kid. Of course things looked bigger as a kid but I'm pretty sure they were over a foot long.


New Member
I have one living in my refugium at the moment. He is roughly 4" long and is a brilliant florescent green color with multiple colors around his head and claws. He is actually quite beautiful and interesting to observe. I found this critter in my reef tank one day by accident when I was feeding. I caught a fast glimpse of him darting back into a rock with a piece of krill. That piece of live rock was immediately removed to the refugium before Mr. Claw could eat anything I valued in the reef tank. Me thinks I may have spotted another dasturdly mantis lurking in the reef tank recently. If so, he'll be removed to the refugium as well. They can duke it out in there and settle the territorial dispute for themselves.
P.S. I admit...I DO feed this beast. Krill or silversides or shrimp or whatever is on the menu for the reef tank that day.

pa reef pig

Hey Phoenix, If you are willing to sell Im willing to buy.