Why wouldnt you drink RO/DI water?


Active Member
I know you can drink the RO/DI water we use for our tanks but it seems that most people dont and many kits you buy have a bypass on the DI part for drinking water. Why is this? I would think the more pure the water the better, right?


It probably depends on what you local water is like. I use the same RO/DI water for drinking that I use in the tanks.


Active Member
I heard its because your not really getting all the trace minerals / elements if you drink RODI that your body needs to function properly. There was a study done, where they had installed massive water purification systems, and folks that were using this water had more coronary and other health problems...all related to not having sufficieint intake of trace minerals etc.


Active Member
Actually I had similar question and sent an email to SpectraPure a long time ago. My question to them was why do they not sell RO/DI drinking water systems and only RO. They do have RO/DI systems just not part of their drinking water line. Their reply was something to the effect that University studies have proven DI is not suitable for drinking water..
Send the question for yourself to one of the manufactures.


Active Member
flouride is one pretty important additive to drinking water. especially after kids get their 2nd set of teeth. i forget where i read that because of the popularity of bottled water kid's teeth problems escalated dramatically.


what i heard was that the water was to pure and actually draws minerals out of your body when you drink it. not sure but thats what i read awhile back on this site. you might do a search for old threads on this topic


Active Member
yupper.. we dont drink from the di part of our filter water cuzz it's just too pure.. and do little or nothing for our body..


The DI water will actually dehydrate you. It will pull the ions from your system and cause you to expel them (i.e. pee them out). I wouldn't ever drink it to be honset with you... i did taste it once though, but not in mass quantities. We esentially use DI water for drinking water on submarines, thats what we make at least, then we have to add bromide to it to make it healthy to drink and use for food.


Active Member
Thanks for all the replies. thats some interesting info b/c there is a local water store by my house where I used to get my di water that sells it as drinking water. I used to just buy thier "drinking water" and use it for my tanks before I bought my own ro/di system. Kinda scary!


Originally Posted by JasenHicks
The DI water will actually dehydrate you. It will pull the ions from your system and cause you to expel them (i.e. pee them out). I wouldn't ever drink it to be honset with you... i did taste it once though, but not in mass quantities. We esentially use DI water for drinking water on submarines, thats what we make at least, then we have to add bromide to it to make it healthy to drink and use for food.

Oh, Jasen, the world is truly a small place.... :thinking: Remember me? You showed up to the 729 just before I left
I didn't know you were into aquariums!!! I just picked up a 75 gal money pit as well. Email me sometime m000240@hotmail.com I want to hear how things are going in the yards and how the wedding is going? Tell the guys hi for me!!!!
Alex Baerg


Lol, hey Al... i sent you a reply to the email you sent me. I think i have posted a few replies or at least read some stuff you've posted... guess i have to be spot on with my responses now that someone actually has met me here, and can check up on me!