If it wasn't for my husband a few years ago, we'd be dead. I had set up a new strip with a timer and didn't do a drip loop. He woke up out of a dead sleep asking what that noise was. It was my strip protien skimmer cup had overflowed and had dripped into the strip. By the time we figured out what was going on, the strip was in flames.
Needless to say, everything is off the floor and has a drip loop now.
If it wasn't for my husband a few years ago, we'd be dead. I had set up a new strip with a timer and didn't do a drip loop. He woke up out of a dead sleep asking what that noise was. It was my strip protien skimmer cup had overflowed and had dripped into the strip. By the time we figured out what was going on, the strip was in flames.
Needless to say, everything is off the floor and has a drip loop now.