

Why whenever i get a clown fish it dies in 2 weeks?I have a puffer,eel,lionfish,damsel and they all do fine!!My water parameter are perfect!Do clown fish just realy need a sea anemonea to live?


:rolleyes: Ya thats right before i even got the lion and puffer i had 3 little devils with the clownfish!The damsels!!!:scared:


I have never really had very good luck with clowns either i had originally been buying occellarious clowns and now i have bought (today) a percula clown and the guy that i buy from said that they are a little more hardier they do not need an anemone but you do have to watch what you are putting in with them the breeds that you listed above are more aggressive and may be the real reason you are not having good luck with the little guys.
good luck!


Staff member
Lion, you need to make up what kind of tank you want. Aggressive=loinfish+eel, etc. Little nemos just are not good choices for tanks with these big fish. A nice lion will eat him for lunch! Also, damsels and clowns are from the same family of fish. Are you experiencing aggression? Perhaps the supplier where you are getting your clowns has an illness effecting clownfish. Bottom line, decide what type of system you want and then make the system work. But you can't mix aggressive fish with reef fish.


This is what I have in mine without any agression listed in order I put in?
1 Green Chromis
1 Yellow headed goby
2 True Percs
1 Royal Gramma
1 Flame Angel
Plus shrimp, snails, crabs. Everyone is a model citizen.
Soon to be Kole Tang and that is it.


well when i got them,they had a long,I mean LONG white string thing coming from the anal.I think they had a infection inside of them.


New Member
My two Porcula clowns just died too.....all water conditions are perfect. I have a Damsel and a Firefish Gobie..........
JUST DONT GET IT! I think i need a amenemie


lionfish....the light colored, stringy poop is a sign of internal parasites. If they were wild caught fish that had never been treated for those parasites, that is likely the cause of their death.


Active Member
if they keep on dieing then something is wrong with your tank or the something is wrong with the clowns at the pet store.. dont buy any more..



Originally posted by Ghblue
My two Porcula clowns just died too.....all water conditions are perfect. I have a Damsel and a Firefish Gobie..........
JUST DONT GET IT! I think i need a amenemie

Don't get an anemone...if you can't keep the fish alive then the anemone is guaranteed to die!!!


Depending on the size of your tank (unless its really big) an anemone in an aggressive tank with clownfish is not a good idea IMO. You clownfish will be really stressed.
Your fish are most definately getting eaten or harrassed to death in an aggressive tank like that, its unfortunate the fish store would even sell you clownfish to put in a tank like that. I guess they know you'll be right back to buy more.