

I have my first tank set up but I have read a lot about this hobby so I do know quite a bit I think. I have all levels at 0 and salinity at 1.023. Temp is about 78-79 degrees. I bought a cleaner shrimp and had it for about a week, the first night I had it it shed it's exoskeleton but seemed fine afterwards. He was very curious actually in the tank. I have 90 lbs of rock so he had plenty of room to hide. The day before he died I noticed that he didn't move much. The only thing I can think of is maybe I overfed my fish a little lately and could that have been why? Also, are your inverts more likely to die before your fish or no? Thanks for the replies!


I don't know what could have killed your shrimp (need more info) but, i do know that if the water isn't right inverts do die first. How long has your tanks set up??? Do you burn alot of scented candles or spray anything around the house??? I have heard of sprays and such killing off tanks.


What other info do you need? I have a starfish, two other camel shrimp, a Rusty Angel, and a manderin Goby. The tank has been set up for about three monthes. It is a 90 gallon tank by the way with a wet/dry. Plenty of water movement. NO house products have been close enough to mess with it either so that isn't it I know. Thanks for the input!


mr . salty

Active Member
Just a guess,and you've probably already thought of it, but here goes. You ever used copper,or any other meds in that tank? Even if the rock or gravel has been in another tank with copper or meds,it could be a problem. Other than that,you got me. Might not be a bad idea to have the water tested for evrything,including heavy metals. STEVE


Active Member
My guess would be it was already sick or old when you bought it or maybe it got stressed during acclimation. How did you add it to your tank?