

Active Member
Ok i still have high nitrates. I use spring water, because i do not have a way as of yet to get ro or ro/di water. I test all of my water befor i use it and nitrates are 0. Can anyone help me

coral keeper

Active Member
How many gallons is your tank, how old is your tank, how many lb of live rock do you have in there, how much sand, do you have any live stock in there, what kind of lights are on your tank, and what are your water parameters? Tell us more about your set up.


Active Member
30 gallon tank about 8 lbs of LR as of now 1 inch sand bed....2 hob filters clean weekly waters changes weekly
temp 79-80 constantly
ammonia 0
trites 0
trates 60-80
livestock 3 hermits and alot of small feather dusters
tank has been up since late august and the tank cycled but i put 2 2 pound pieces of LR into it and apperantly it wasnt cured and ever since my trates have been high it has been about 1 1/2 months since i adder the rock and i also have a 660 penguin powerhead


Originally Posted by kclester
30 gallon tank about 8 lbs of LR as of now 1 inch sand bed....2 hob filters clean weekly waters changes weekly
temp 79-80 constantly
ammonia 0
trites 0
trates 60-80
livestock 3 hermits and alot of small feather dusters
tank has been up since late august and the tank cycled but i put 2 2 pound pieces of LR into it and apperantly it wasnt cured and ever since my trates have been high it has been about 1 1/2 months since i adder the rock and i also have a 660 penguin powerhead
What sized water changes are you doing and how often?


Active Member
10% weekly i use spring water....but the trates are 0 befor it goes in because i test it b4 adding it every time......do you think that is causeing high trates....imma go and get enough ro/di water and do atleast a 30% wc with that and see what happens


Originally Posted by kclester
10% weekly i use spring water....but the trates are 0 befor it goes in because i test it b4 adding it every time......do you think that is causeing high trates....imma go and get enough ro/di water and do atleast a 30% wc with that and see what happens
No the nitrates are zero before going in, it isn't the water. Bump up the amount that you change at a time. You just have a few inverts right? Do a few 40% changes. Be sure the temp, ph, and SG match. Pull out 40% then add 15% of the new water at a time. Take an hour or more to add it back in if your equipment allows you to. If the heater and powerhead will be exposed then fill it until they are submerged again. This method is not good once fish are in and your nitrates are under control, but at the moment you can. You will be removing a higher concentration of nitrates at once. Then you can go back to the 10-15% changes. You can also do 20-30% changes once every three days until they are down. Being what is in the tank, you can do it any way that you want.

al mc

Active Member
If you continue to have problems despite the large water changes you will get some help if finances and space allow you to get a protein skimmer, more live rock ( 1#/gallon as a minimum final goal) and the addition of some macroalgae.


I would go with the same advice everyone is giving you, 10% daily or every 2 days. Seems like your tank went through another cycle since you added uncured LR. For future reference, it is always better to add all the LR you will need when cycling and before adding any livestock. Well, it is not the best for a budget, but the best in order to avoid future problems with adding rock later. If it went through a small cycle then it will take time and you may see another brown algae bloom, very short. Really though it will balance itself out if you went through a cycle, it will just take time. I have to tell you the smaller the tank the harder it is to keep your water quality up. Avoid multiple bottles of additives and find a 2 part supplement of your liking, personally I use Oceans Blend. Last thing, Protein skimmers are great, make sure you get one especially if you plan on keeping fish. you could have done without, but only if you had a DSB.


Active Member
Have you cleaned your HOB filters resently? If you have then you may have removed too much of your bio filtration, if not you may try changing out one at a time over several weeks with fresh media.


Active Member
i clean the hob's every other week...and clean the media every week....is it a good idea to turn both of my hobs into small fuge's so tp speak with lr ruggle and macro ??? if so i know i will need lights back there for the macro where could i get lights that would go under the water if they even make them.....thanks in advance...if it is possible can someone plzzz tell me how to do so


Active Member
Originally Posted by kclester
i clean the hob's every other week...and clean the media every week....is it a good idea to turn both of my hobs into small fuge's so tp speak with lr ruggle and macro ??? if so i know i will need lights back there for the macro where could i get lights that would go under the water if they even make them.....thanks in advance...if it is possible can someone plzzz tell me how to do so
If you choose to do this I would only do 1> so you'll have somewhere to add chemical media if needed in a pinch. For info on changing it try the DIY and equipment board. They are really good with converting things.