wtf...ok im back to not understanding, your confusing me. i thowt it was just cos you see somfin, like the other day we walked past a n*a*k*e*d guy lying on the path snoring, and think why?
Originally Posted by -Tara33- http:///forum/post/2840207
wtf...ok im back to not understanding, your confusing me. i thowt it was just cos you see somfin, like the other day we walked past a n*a*k*e*d guy lying on the path snoring, and think why?
nope... all the clues are there... you just need to see em... and translate em...
Originally Posted by -Tara33- http:///forum/post/2840207
wtf...ok im back to not understanding, your confusing me. i thowt it was just cos you see somfin, like the other day we walked past a n*a*k*e*d guy lying on the path snoring, and think why?
Your on the right track . But your answer is only half of the equitation . Further you must go into the darkness before you find the light.
how a bout you just tell me cos im obviosly a 20 year old dim wit that never had an interest in doing homework or schooling or using my brain in any other way other than what i wanted to use it for.
Originally Posted by -Tara33- http:///forum/post/2840213
how a bout you just tell me cos im obviosly a 20 year old dim wit that never had an interest in doing homework or schooling or using my brain in any other way other than what i wanted to use it for.
i dont think anyone called you a dim wit... and like Guapo said the answer lies within (this thread) and you have to see the dark before you can truely see the light... its all there... look at it and imagine what you see and the answer will come from within...
ok welll of to another thread thats less out of this world and more into salt water aquariums...of course tho ill check back in sometime soon to see if someone has explained this thread
Originally Posted by -Tara33- http:///forum/post/2840217
ok welll of to another thread thats less out of this world and more into salt water aquariums...of course tho ill check back in sometime soon to see if someone has explained this thread
Why? Why would you leave when your so close to getting the answer...
Originally Posted by -Tara33- http:///forum/post/2840217
ill check back in sometime soon to see if someone has explained this thread
4 explanations:
1) mother drank tons of alchohol while they were in the womb
2) mother did tons of crack/cocaine while they were in the womb
3) mother dropped them on their heads way too many times
4) mother let them chew on lead chips while a child.
Originally Posted by renogaw http:///forum/post/2840284
4 explanations:
1) mother drank tons of alchohol while they were in the womb
2) mother did tons of crack/cocaine while they were in the womb
3) mother dropped them on their heads way too many times
4) mother let them chew on lead chips while a child.
Originally Posted by renogaw http:///forum/post/2840284
4 explanations:
1) mother drank tons of alchohol while they were in the womb
2) mother did tons of crack/cocaine while they were in the womb
3) mother dropped them on their heads way too many times
4) mother let them chew on lead chips while a child.
my mom doesnt drink... never did drugs... didnt drop me on my head as far as i know... and lead chips were like candy in the 70s... im guessin #2 for you...
me an the gf are watching tv getting ready to go smoke cigs, and waiting for a friend of ours to come over a lil later tonight and then we're gonna do things we shouldnt be doing but its legal for the gf to do here in washington LOL