

New Member
I had a beautiful fresh water tank in college. That tank could go 2-3 months without needing to be even scrubbed down for algae!!! and even then I only had to do a small water change!
I graduated got a job and moved away from home. But, my tank didn't.
I finally got my own apartment and my beloved fish tank back. So I bravely decided to try salt water. I now have to change the water every 2 weeks I'm getting the algae under control so it's not that bad anymore.
But can someone please remind me why I left the wonderful world of fresh water for the harsh bitter EXPENSIVE world of salt water?


Well-Known Member
I agree with you. My planted fresh tanks are extremely low maintenance. All I do is replace water that evaporates and feed the fish.
first of all i agree with reef
second in both fresh and salt, algae is controlled best with plants. When I reentered salt last october I was shocked at how little emphasis was placed on macro algae/of plants in the saltwater world.
third. Water changes are not necessary in either fresh or salt. I find it very hard to believe that large inland marine aquariums create disasters by dumping 10% of their salt water in our freshwater streams each week. My first FO tank I just replaced water that evaporated for 8 years. And when I started doing that in my current 55g things settled down. Of course I added the macro algaes at about the same time.
Welcome to salt and hopefully this will just be a memory in about a year.


Active Member
I assure you that they do major water changes at public aquaria, and they battle nitrate problems the likes of which hobbyists couldn't fathom.
Most hobbyists, at least.
And the concept of NOT doing water changes in home aquaria is relatively controversial and has pros and cons. I've seen many people with virtually no water changes and their fish suffer from a little thing called "Head and Lateral Line Erosion" (HLLE), and their tanks have exceedingly high nitrates. Now if you run a refugium system, this might swing the argument in another direction, but without it, I think never doing water changes could lead to disaster. That is my opinion at least.
Ultimately, this is a CLOSED system and what goes in must find a way out. Not everything that goes in our tanks is ultimately used by algae or plants.



Originally posted by AustinReef
Couldn't have said better Reednut;)

Please tell me that was a typo


Agreeing with Ophiura here on the water changes as they can go a long way to help keep your tank fresh and remove unwanted build up of DOC's, toxins, metals..etc and replacing worn buffers, adding back the used elements that are necessary for healthy corals and your liverock.
Placing plants in the aquarium can assist in removing some of the nasty buildup of unwanted particles and toxins, but thinking that plants will be a cure all, just might wind up not being true, in many cases.
I'll stick with the water changes as I really like the way my system responds to them.



Originally posted by beaslbob
And when I started doing that in my current 55g things settled down.

and how is it doing any new photos of the swamp;)


Active Member

aww what a cute blenny Reefnut :D

The lawnmower is another one of my favorites :)
Unfortunately the only fish pictured that I still have is the lawnmower. The cowfish died and the others were given away.


I had a lump of cash under my mattress that kept me from sleeping well at night.
Oh, and my kids were not taking up enough of my time so I started a salt tank.
Really it was the colors that won out over fresh.
Can't beat it.
Can I have a frag and borrow $5 please:)


I started up my first SW tanks because of the beauty. It's such an addicting hobby if you call it that. I just took the windshield off my motorcycle to sell. Hey I need another tank. I must have another, just one more, I can stop when ever I want. I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM. After you give Phil1964 money can I have $5


Active Member
dubmnutt - how big a tank?? What kind of filtration??? I agree that water changes should be done - but every two weeks seems a bit frequent ....


New Member
: ) Thank You ReefNut
You are all verry encouraging.
I took you advice and got some plants today!
I think they are caler.......whatevers little green plants with tiny bubbles all over (lil Nemo loves to hide in the plants). They look great. Hey and it was only $5 for a huge bag.
I know it's going to take time, money and hard work to get my tank looking the way I would like it too.
I can't wait for the day when I can grow the first image reefnut posted
Well I think my tank is arround 20-25 gal. I have an undergravel filter with a powerhead and cc. i know i know bad bad shame on me. I took my lfs advice and it's too late to change. I also have a hang on the side of the tank filter with Carbon and a phosphate remover in it.
The algea has stopped now that I started using RO/DI water.
well it's about 2 weeks give or take but my tank is new ~3months
Again thanks for images!