Why'd they die?


New Member
This past weekend in an aquatic store, I purchased a few new items. Of these, I got a feeder shrimp and a feather duster. They both seemed to be doing great that night....well, the next evening I came home to find the feather duster's head was off in the bottom of the tank. Two days later, my shrimp DEAD!
I have 5 small damsels and that's it....So, What killed them, assuming that the PH and Nitrate/nitrite levels were ok???


the feather duster may not be dead. they do lose there crowns through out there life and will regrow ive hear up to 3 or 4 weeks or sooner.could be caused by stress of the move....
what are your water params? to assume they are good isnt good enough either they are good or they are not good... not trying to sound rude. but i have made that mistake where i assumed and i assumed wrong and cost a life of my favorite critter in the tank,,,
and as far as feeder shrimp i dont know much about them..but i know they are on the smaller side correct? and i know damsels can be pretty fiesty eaters maybe they thought it was dinner? its hard to say. is it possible that there was copper used in the tank before?


my dkh is at 12 if i remember right from last weeks test
my ph is at 8.4(ph is where i made my assuming mistake)
and salinity i try to keep at 1.024-1.025 i do not have a refractometer yet but will soon so then i can keep a better eye on it