wierd cycle


I cycled my 75 with live rock and with a shrimp and it went as planned. Ammonia skyrocketed, then came down and now I am showing trace nitrates, no trites, but my ammonia has gone up a little. I have not added anything to the tank. When everything originally balanced out I did a 10% water change. and still no real change. Should I try changing out the carbon and rinsing out my filter pads? I am confused. Thanks for your patience. :D


How long have you been cycling your tank?
It takes about six weeks to fully cycle.
Have you been checking ammonia and nitrites every 3-4 days?
If not, the nitrites could have already peaked and you didn't realize it.
I wouldn't change any of the water or remove sponges or bio balls from your tank for at least six weeks during the cycle. I believe I was told to remove a carbon bag after two weeks of having the tank set up.


It went through the ups and downs within two weeks which is why I am confused. It has now been 3.5 weeks since I started.


I'd let it continue cycling for another 4 to 5 weeks. I bet you'll notice a high nitrite spike within that time.
I made the mistake of thinking my small hospital tank had cycled because of small ups and downs in amonia and nitrite levels and started putting fish in it before it had cycled. Not long after I put a couple of fish in the HT did the nitrite level spike and I had to put the fish in my main tank to keep them from being poisoned.