
I put them in my hospital tank and after a couple of weeks they looked ok. The wierd thing was that my domino would NOT stay away from my lion. He would swim all over him in the same way a clown acts with a host anenome. No exageration. He would swim though his fins, park right next to him. Didnt seem to bother the lion so much.
So i put them back into the tank, the domino died, and the hippo after further review seemed to be the cause of all the ick. ( Got him from a friend and put him str8 into the tank..bad mistake)
So since the domino died, i took the hippo into the tank and the lion went back in.
NOw it's been about a month or so since they have been in the hospital tank. Iv'e been doing water changes of the HT with water from my DT to get ready to put them back in the DT.
My question is the behavior. IT seems my hippo is doing the same thing my damsel did. He wont stay away from the lion. He parks next to him touching him, drifting in the fins of my lion. THe hippo is alot bigger than the damsel was so he actually pushes my lion out of the way. My lion sometimes head butts him to move him over, but the hippo still wanders back over.
Thter is NOTHING really aggressive about all thes movements.
SO is my lion just a friendly warm guy that makes the other fish drewl over him? or is this a sign of something.
I'm worried becase when my damsel did this he died later on..RIP elvis