wierdest fish


Active Member
i just saw a totally strange fish at the lfs they didnt know what it was it came in unmarked. it had fins on the side like a fuzzy dwarf lionfish in front of the fins it had these spider like appendages it used like little arms. it burries itself in the sand so that only its eyes and the top of its head show. does anyone have any idea what this thing is


Active Member
about three inches long and a kinda tan with brown bars on the fins the head is kinda shaped like a dolphins head i told you this was a weird fish


Active Member
I would say that it was a devil fish. They can be drab looking, but when they extend their fins, it is a contrasting color. They also bury themselves in the sand and are able to crawl along the bottom with their two front bottom fins.


Active Member
is not a toadfish. and i dont think it is the devilfish either. it has fins on it like a fuzzy dwarf that fan out and in frontt of the fins are these things that look like spider legs that move independantly.


Try googling striped sea robin. It is the only one I can think of with that coloring and legs.