wife almost hooked:-)


I have almost gotten my wife hooked on this hobby. She has been watching the tank a little more and more each day and asking questions. I can't wait for the day she walks in the door with something in a bag for the tank. That will be the greatest day. I will be able to spend money on my tank without having to explain why I need something as she will be involved too. I know she will be hooked soon because reef keeping is very addictive as we all know.:D

sinner's girl

Yeah, it always helps when your significant other gets involved and interested in your tank.
NO! It's bad. because then they think they can add stuff to your tank. Thus I now have 7 fish when I wanted none! (we're moving next year, no idea where, I figure it's not right to set-up a tank only to have to move it and risk losing fish, or worse, not being able to put the tank back up.)


New Member
This might sound crazy but since you mentioned moving, can it be done? Is there a way to save the water and work everything out so the fish dont get in shock and die!? I have never had a salt water tank but am really interested in it, and I am wondering if I should wait until we buy our house, could be years from now...but I want the tank now. Maybe I should consider a small tank instead of the 55 gallon I was thinking of starting with. I really want the dream tank with live sand, live rock and coral, angelfish, clowns, etc.
P.S. My husband seems just as interested in this as I am so it might be dangerous with us both wanting to spend money on this hobby! :)


well, its generally bad form to hi-jack threads, but you're new, so we'll let it slide, with that said, WELCOME TO THE BOARDS!!!
Yes it is very possible, just do a search on this board for moving, there are loads of information, The tank has to be the last thing to come down at the old place, and the first thing to come up at the new place, but i have heard of people moving away somewhere thats like a 16 hour drive, and losing no fish. If you think about it when you order a new fish, they spend 2 or three days in a bag in a box from the post office to your house, and generally are fine, so i wouldn't worry... just research a whole lot!
and BACK to the subject,
Yeah, I finally heard those lovely words from my wife, who's a total cheapskate, aww, he's so cute!!! about my bicolor pseudochromis. This is a step in the right direction!!
Make sure she knows what shes doing though, when she maintains your tank or feeds your fish, if the glass is smeared, and she wants to see better and sprays some windex on it, thats never a good thing.


why do you guys care so much of what your wives think anyway, u r the men right? I hate when guys dont wear the pants.
screw that
the day i get married and ask my wife for a 300 gal fish tank and she says no is the day i will no longer be married!!!
what if your wife comes home with a puffer already bought and inside the tank with your reefs/ :hilarious . That would suck.



Originally posted by roggy23
why do you guys care so much of what your wives think anyway, u r the men right? I hate when guys dont wear the pants.
screw that
the day i get married and ask my wife for a 300 gal fish tank and she says no is the day i will no longer be married!!!

Boy, it's obvious YOU'RE not married.
If your last statement is really how you feel, I suggest you NEVER get married! Save yourself, and your future ex-wife, a messy divorce!!!!



Originally posted by roggy23
why do you guys care so much of what your wives think anyway, u r the men right? I hate when guys dont wear the pants.
screw that
the day i get married and ask my wife for a 300 gal fish tank and she says no is the day i will no longer be married!!!

You have obviously never been married. Like tervman said, save yourself the trouble and just don't get married if that's the way you think it works.


yeh like you guys stand up to your wives!!!
Im just saying if i get married I will wear the pants, not let my wife

me around especially when im making the money!


New Member
Thanks for the welcome to the boards. I did not realize that I was hijacking the thread. I apologize, did not mean any harm here. But the person that posted before me mentioned a move. And I happened to be curious how hard it is to move an aquarium successfully since I am planning on taking up this hobby and wonder if I should wait until we buy our house.
I thought this-Wife almost hooked thread, was a positive thread from someone about enjoying the hobby with their spouse has now turned into a male and female bashing type of thing. I think I can speak for most of us and say, lets just stick to the fish, thats why we are here in the first place. No one really cares what you think about "wearing the pants" and I doubt the person who first posted here wanted it to end up this way.
This is not a place for personal feelings, its more about facts and fish right?! :yes: Lighten up everyone! Meanwhile, anyone have any ideas or suggestions for me on starting up a 55 gallon reef tank or moving?


Lighten up everyone! Meanwhile, anyone have any ideas or suggestions for me on starting up a 55 gallon reef tank or moving?
:joy: [/B]
Sorry, it's late, how can we help you?


If it is going to be some time before you buy your house then I would say go for setting it up. It is possible to move your tank successfully(will require much planning and help to break it down, transport it, and set it back up. You can use the search feature at the top of this page to search for threads on tank moving, as I personnally have not done it, but I have seen many posts of people successfully doing it. One thing for sure as a newcomer to this hobby is to take advantage of reading posts here and asking lots of questions before starting your tank setup. I found this board after I started and wound up changing filters, crushed coral to sand, lighting etc. which was money I could have saved in the begining if I had only known some of the valuable info contained here on this site. Oh, and this post wasn't started for the reason of creating arguements, just that it is nice that my wife is taking interest in the hobby. No more having to say "That, Oh that must have grown from that rock over night" or "What fish? Hmmm, must have been a hitchiker."
Anyways, Welcome to the board, And I hope that your venture into reefkeeping will bring you as much joy as it has for me!:)

debbie g

I was so glad when my husband started showing an interest in the tank. He was the one who ended up doing all the plumbing for me. I hated that part. Sometimes you need someone to reel you back in, especially with an expensive and time-consuming hobby as this. I suppose I'll stay married right up until he finds out how much I REALLY spend on these things (and he must NEVER find out the cost of the zoos I just won on ----) hehehe
Good Luck!
Debbie G