wife got me some RPE for my birthday


Active Member
Yep rebelprettyboy , i agree with you Envy Orange. Definately not RPEs and i would say my best bet is Envy Orange. VERY VERY NICE FIND. When they start growing i'll take a 3 polyp frag from ya :)


Active Member
yeah they do look like envy oranges now that i did some searching. Either way im pretty happy with them. And from what i found online she got a pretty good deal on this frag.


Active Member
ok wth im finding some crazy prices for these guys online anywhere from $300-$600 per polyp. Whats the real deal with these guys?


Active Member
Envy Oranges are pretty expenisve. I dont know about 300 a polyps. I know 55-80 ive seen them per prolyp. Might wanna send a Pm to Codylowe. He has some and u can compare urs to his. I looked at his and they are la like but kinda diff. But dont look like RPEs. They are very nice though...


Active Member
mine seem to have the purple around the mouth that RPEs have yet have the color of the envys.. i guess when in doubt rename them and double the price.