wii codes


Active Member
ok I just saw the thread about playin the wii. and im playin my wii right now (cod 5)
ill post my codes for this and mario kart after im done playin but I need more friends. if u got codes post em here


Active Member
I'll be watching this thread.
game: acme arsenal
cheat: unlimited ammo
Code: Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down


Active Member
thats cool. but I probably worded it wrong I was talkin friend codes for mario kart wii n cod5 or ne other online game you all mite have. So that way you can race, shoot, or do whatever it is you do to people on animal crossing lol with friends
if you wanna lpay with me, i gotta add ur code too.
cod 5 code-494098515552
Mario kart- ill get it later lol