Wild or Aquacultured?


New Member
Hi. I've had fish before, but i've never had a clownfish and i really would like to get one. I was planning on getting a False Percula Clownfish but i didn't know if it would be better to get a wild or aquacultured, or if it even made a difference. If anyone could help me out, that'd be appreciated. :)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by crehm
Hi. I've had fish before, but i've never had a clownfish and i really would like to get one. I was planning on getting a False Percula Clownfish but i didn't know if it would be better to get a wild or aquacultured, or if it even made a difference. If anyone could help me out, that'd be appreciated. :)

To my understanding:
Wild = a critter that isn't used to an aquarium environment. So it can't take change very well. They are usually more stressed out and may have not so common diseases or parasites.
Aquaculture = a critter that is tank raised, they are more accustomed to the changes found in an aquarium. They are less stressed out and exposed to a limited kind of disease or parasite.


I try and get aquacultered for the most part. A wild caught clown will usually host an anemone easier though.

scott t

Active Member
I think they are so cool just wondering if you can mix a black and white false Purcula and a regular False Purcula that we both aquacultured if you got them at the same time???? Just was wondering for when i set up my tank??


Yes, they can be mixed. I normally don't buy them at the same time. I always look for a larger clown by itself. I stick it in the tank and let it get used to being there. Then I try and buy one of the smaller or medium ones in a group of juveniles. The pair in my avatar is actually a true perc and and a b/w ocellaris.

scott t

Active Member
Thanks johnr for your help i am so glad there are ppl here willing to answer questions for us Noob that are just getting into the SWF hobby i am so glad that i found SWF.com's Boards because i am sure when i get my tank up and going i will have even more questions to ask and know that i will get good advice from ppl on here...
THanks again!!!!


Tank Raised fish as a whole are normally easier to adjust to a tank than wild fish. Our LFS deals with a lot of wild caught so that's normally what we end up with, but there are quite a few near us that also have tank raised. Our clowns are tank raised and they did tank to an anemone.
As to putting the two different clowns in a tank together, those two can be put together, but I personally would add them at the same time.

scott t

Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
Tank Raised fish as a whole are normally easier to adjust to a tank than wild fish. Our LFS deals with a lot of wild caught so that's normally what we end up with, but there are quite a few near us that also have tank raised. Our clowns are tank raised and they did tank to an anemone.
As to putting the two different clowns in a tank together, those two can be put together, but I personally would add them at the same time.

Thanks BTLDreef i knew if you were on i could count on and answer and good advice from you since it seems that you are the only one that ever comments on things i post or have to say... But i am sure once i get my tank up and running that others (i would hope would have some help for me)... Thank you again for all your help you are truly a good person.....
i personally like getting wild because they will host an anemone about 90% of the time. the parasites are not a problem because i can just Qt (Qt = Quarantine tank) the clown in my copper tank (copper kills parasites). copper also kills coral and inverts so never add copper to your display tank. also wild caught clowns usually look more colorful.
but for beginners i recommend tank bred. They are less aggressive and will eat any type of food provided.