wild vs. aquacultured clowns



i have a question regarding this particular group of fish. i don't want to get into whether or not its healthier for the enviornment to buy aquacultered discussion. My question is, i've heard people say that wild caught clowns tend to host in an anemone more readily. Normaly i buy aquacultured when i can, but in looking for a clown, i'd really like to get one that will host. soo...... is it true that wild ones will host more readily, or am i just hearing from people who would rather buy a cheaper fish?


[ i'd really like to get one that will host. soo...... is it true that wild ones will host more readily, or am i just hearing from people who would rather buy a cheaper fish? [/B][/QUOTE] Thats there opinion. because the clown decides wether it wants to host an anemani. And in my opinian i would get one that was born in captivity because I think they live longer and healthier well at least most of them do.


all wild clowns should take an anenome w/ no problem, the aqua-cultured ones should still have that instinct. so,IMO i don't think it matters wether you go wild or captive.


i've seen my lfs sell a pair of clowns and the anemones more than once. but from the link above I would try getting the anemone then a pair of juvie clowns