Will 400w halide require chiller??


Will 2 400 w metal halide lighting on a 75 require a chiller?
if so what is the lowest watts of a metal halide i can get without neeeding a chiller.
if no halides what is the next strongest?
thankyou very much


I have 2x250's. I run a 1/10 hp chiller on a 8 hour lighting schedule. The chiller comes on and off about have the time. I am in calif and don't have central heat and air and where I live it can get quite warm, so the answer to your question is probably yes unless you run central air and keep the temp where the tank is cooler.


New Member
Y would you want two 400 watt halides on a 75. In my observations ( 35 Years worth ) I think you will be happy with 2 250 watt halides, There are to many variables to be able to adaquately assess whether or not you need a chiller. For example, are you going to cover the tank, are you going to put a refug on the tank, other equipment that is going to be used on the tank all will add heat. I have a 200 with 3 400 watt halides and have not ran a chiller, I also let my tank ride into the mid 80's in the summer and have yet to have a temp problem. If you can give more info I can let you know if I think you need one or not.


Active Member
I have 2x150W MH + 2x96W actinics on my 75 and that is enough for my tank. I'm going to have 2x400W MH on our 150 and some even said that's a lot for it.


New Member
Egg crate will help keep the temp down. Where do you live? Do you have central AC are you planning on running it? I would really sway you into 250's I think you will be unhappy with 400's. Most places don't put their coral under that much light, bleaching can occur very easily and quickly going under that much light that quickly. Your electric bill will also notice a big difference between the 400's and the 250's, much more than your corals will.


Active Member
i have 400w on my 75 actually and they do fine, and no chiller has been needed yet, but i do have fans blowing across them of course. I would recommend 250w though...400w arent really needed, and i had 175w and was unhappy with the penetration with them, so i think 250w would probably be best.


Active Member
2x250 will be more than enough for anything, if you run fans you should be able to get by w/o a chiller. A large sump or fuge to add volume, and low heat pumps will help more


although my tank is 48 i have a 36 inch pc lighting
will a 36 inch pc lighting (mostly for color)
a 250 watt halid be enough or will i need two halide?