Will a cleaner shrimp make it in my tank?



I think I'm going to pick up a cleaner shrimp for my tank. It's a pretty big gamble with my shark, ray, eel and grouper. Much of the research indicates that these predators will not eat the cleaner shrimp. I'm pretty skeptical but I may give it a try. Do you think it will work?


Active Member
Eel and ray probably OK with shrimp..Shark "maybe"...
Grouper would be the one to watch...they tend to "eat first", think later...


Active Member
Yeah the grouper will definitly eat it
But hey! They are cheap so give it a try

BTW, what kind of grouper?


Active Member
eels WOULD eat shrimp but they clean....the same thing could happen with the grouper, it's a coin toss. I say go for it. In my LFS they have 2 cleaner shrimp in a tank w/ a humu and they said the humu would eat it, but the shrimp cleans it so it doesn't.


Originally Posted by Cartman101
BTW, what kind of grouper?
Cartman, you drive me crazy... You've seen my pics many times but every time you ask me the same questions: how big, what kind of ray, etc. Don't be offended, you're my buddy but you stress me out man.
BTW, it's a miniatus grouper.


Well, I put him in the tank and cleaned the algae at the same time to keep the others off him for a few minutes. He was fine for a couple. I don't see him now. He was hanging around by the snowflake but I don't think that got him. My grouper has a guilty look on his face... or he could still be in there and just hiding.


Active Member
my guess is hiding. When I got my cleaner he was hiding...he now comes off, when I was cleaning my tank he jumped on my hand which scared the **** outa me but was funny after a while.


Active Member
if he didn't you can mayb get your next shrimp a pocket knife to run around w/ a helmet and bullet proof vest. good luck finding him


Originally Posted by Yimmy
if he didn't you can mayb get your next shrimp a pocket knife to run around w/ a helmet and bullet proof vest. good luck finding him


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
Yeah the grouper will definitly eat it
But hey! They are cheap so give it a try

BTW, what kind of grouper?
Wow u think cleaner shrimp are cheap?!?!!? jeez u must have wicked good prices , here babies are $35, and adults are $50-70!!