Will a clown fish mate again?

i have a clown fish that came in a mated pair, well about 3 years ago one of them passed away. ive been thinkin of removing the one so i can get another pair, but my girlfriend absolutely LOVES him. can i go get another small one or will it not work? if i can get another, ill need a quick lesson on what kind of clown he is, so i make sure to get another.
damn hes hard to photograph. his favorite spot to hang out is right beside a modded maxijet 1200, he just rips the current all day, lol. but heres a few that i think are clear enough to tell what he is...

hes so small, and hes 3 years old... ???


You have a false perc. He is three years old? Mine is less then a year and about that size. I don't know about adding another though as they say if you add them to do it in a pair only. They may fight if you add another. Let someone who is more involved in the hobby then me as I am pretty new confirm this.


I went to fellow reefers house a few weeks back and he had a 9 year old 5 inch false perc..
Blew ma freakin mind...


IMO, I think that the perc clowns are the less aggressive of all the clown fish and with a tank that big I would think your chances would be good of adding a smaller clown but I suggest that the clown you add is not to much smaller or he could get a beating. there might be some aggression to prove who is in charge but I dont think it would be anything severe. Also IMO the prec clowns would have a good chance of eventually meeting up and hanging out, though if they do it could be quite awhile before they mate. Do you have any other fish in there I couldnt tell from the pic's. If so how many and what kind also how long has it been since you have added any new fish. If you havent added any new fish in quite awhile that could also make it harder on the new clown with the ohter fish in the tank also.
One way to make it a little easier to add a new fish to a tank that has a lot of established fish is to maybe do a water change and just move some of your l/r around some just so it will offset the known territory of the fish you already have. So while they are trying to figure things out the new clown fish might be able to slip in under the radar! hope this helps, good luck


Active Member
You can add another false perc. The new one either needs to be a little larger or smaller. If they mate the larger one will change s-e-x to female and they have a good chance to staying together as a pair.
thanks for all the input guys! i think ill prob try to get another one and see what happens. i cant imagine this guy being aggressive. i inherited this tank and have been trying to clean it up and it has a CC base so i move the rocks and siphon the CC weekly. so the aquascaping/territory changes very often. i also added about 110 lbs of LR from my buddies tank last night. its a 72" long with id guess... 160ish lbs of LR. theres plenty places to hide, and plenty territories to be had. the clown shows no aggression towards new tankmates, as in the last month or so, ive added a lawnmower blenny and a royal gamma. the gamma and the clown seem to be buds, they hang out close to each other. the clown hangs out by the pump and the gamma chills in a cave right behind the pump. but the tanks consists of the clown, the gamma, the blenny, an 18" SFE, a medium/large hermit, and about 30 astrea snails. i have a few starfish in a quarantine tank that i got with the LR yesterday. i also got a corral banded with the rock, but he got sucked into a maxijet 1200 last night, so he is no mas.


Active Member
the male from my pair died, after 6 mo I added a smaller one and within 3 to 4 months they were laying eggs. They had no problem pairing up.