Will a sixline wrasse (2-inches) bother my two Large Cleaner Shrimps?


I have thought about adding a sixline wrasse and heard they may attack smaller ornamental shrimps. Does this include the cleaner shrimp? Mine are huge suckers that have been in my tank for six months. They are nearly as big as you can get from a cleaner shrimp. Any thoughts?
And what exactly is an ornamnetal shrimp? Is that the smaller ones like small peppermints? Or does that mean all shrimp? Thanks for any help you can provide!


i had a six line, killed everything. I don't believe they are one of the most peaceful fish. Some people have luck with them some don't, some are ok for a while then turn bad. Ours killed turbo snails, coral banded shrimp, royal gramma, ate a feather duster colony, hunted copepods and amphipods to near extenction and harrased anything new that was put in the tank


I have no Turbo Snails or Feather Dusters, I could care less about copepods and amphipods (although I have yet to see ANY in my tank (+ too many of those in a tank are very annoying to fish I hear) and the only shrimp I have are two Cleaners that are more than double his size. I don't have a Royal Gramma, but you have PROOF that the wrasse actually killed it? Weird. I have clowns, a yellow Tang, lawnmower blenny, coral beauty and several neon gobies.


Active Member
I have a six line in with peppermints, a small cleaner, and a fire shrimp and the fish has never bothered any of them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishisfun7
I have no Turbo Snails or Feather Dusters, I could care less about copepods and amphipods (although I have yet to see ANY in my tank (+ too many of those in a tank are very annoying to fish I hear) and the only shrimp I have are two Cleaners that are more than double his size. I don't have a Royal Gramma, but you have PROOF that the wrasse actually killed it? Weird. I have clowns, a yellow Tang, lawnmower blenny, coral beauty and several neon gobies.

Too many pods are annoying?


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Too many pods are annoying?
Nope. Unless they are the carnivorous ones that attach to fish. (Not many people get those in their tanks.)


Active Member
hit or miss. some sixlines are terrors and will pick on everything that will allow itself to be picked on. some wont bother anything. Putting it in last probably helps.


Thanks to everyone for their very helpful info! Yeah, I got him this afternoon and he seems very content to swim around and puck at the algae on my rocks. He did eat live brine which is a good sign. Doesn't seem to be squabbling with anyone either. I did notice a very small slight discoloration spot on one side of him. Should I be alarmed? Could it clear up on its own?


Active Member
It is probaby just a scratch he got in the move. Just keep an eye on it that it doesn't get worse. Fish get a little scuffed up sometimes by liverock or other fish. Usually nothing to worry about.