Will a Snowflake work? My 55g stock list


I am wondering if my stock list for a 55g "show tank"(48", 12", 21") would work. I can post pics of the tank but its only current inhabitant is a small damsel. Here is my list of options:
Snowflake moray- this species is prone to jumping out of the aquarium and I am wondering with the tanks size would he still be adpt to jump out. My LFS doese'nt carry them because he says that they jump out of the aquariums so often that they won't supply them. My aquarium hood has the cut out plastic plates to fit filter ect. in them but if i patch all the holes and cover my power filter outflow and skimmer outflow would he still most likely find an escape route??? And here the rest of my pre approved list
1 Serpent Star
1 or 2 Scooter Blenny
2 Pencil Urchins
2 Pincushion Urchins
And if my filters adjust well to the bioload I was thinking of maybe a few damsels or possibly a falco or arc eye hawkfish.
P.S this is my equipment list:
Emperor 400 power filter
Red Sea Prism skimmer w surface skimmer and media basket
Rena Filstar xP2
Stealth 250W Heater
And a Rena 300 air pump
For my diet of the eel my LFS recomeded once he will feed on frozen foods that I try store bought fresh raw shrimp and scallop meat in the sea food section of a local Wal-mart. The others will feed on the leftovers and small pellet food.


Not allowing the tank to be exposed to air seems like it might create a pH problem. Can eels fit through eggcrate? This would allow air exchange. Just my 2 cents.


I use duct tape to fill any gaps around my equipment. You will want some sort of covering on your tank, the SFEs that the LFS carries by my apartment are maybe about as big around a as a dime, so it is possible that they could get out of egg crate. At the moment my SFE is almost 2 feet long, and somewhere between a nickel and a quarter in girth, but i am not sure what the width of egg crate is.
As for the eel finding an escape route, my SFE has tried, in fact the other day I found it trying to swim up into my HOB filter. Thankfully I got it out before it hurt itself.
As for a fish list, I would suggest damsels and larger fish. The damsels stand a good chance of getting away from the eel because they can move pretty fast, and larger fish are just harder to swallow
Your LFS was correct on the food, I feed mine a mix of shrimp and scallops from the seafood counter.
I'd also hold off on the Scooter Bleney, they need a very established tank, with plenty of pods, because they are difficult to start feeding prepared foods. The Damsel will probably out compete the Scooter for food, and most stuff that hugs the bottom of your tank has a better chance of becoming eel food....
I hope this helps


most egg crate has 1/2 inch squars, sooner or later he will eat the damsels, I read a while back most eels get out because thay are not happy in their surroundings, I have egg grate on my tank across the back cut around all the equ, never have I've seen him try to get out, it was about a foot long and around the size of a nickle, now 26 inchs long and as round as a half dollar.