Will a tangs fin regrow?


I have a Powder Brown Tang who got in a scuffle with my Kole Tang and his right fin has a small chunk missing. Will it grow back?


Active Member
yea. it will grow back. just give it a couple of weeks. its not some thing that happens over night.


Yes sir it will. It will heal a lot faster in nice and clean water. If you haven't changed any water in a while it might not hurt to do a water change to help it heal up quicker.


Active Member
when you say a small chuck. how big is that? the bigger the chuck the longer it will take to regrow. but as long as your tang still have the fin, it won't hurt it.


Originally Posted by Sid2003
The part missing is very small but noticeable. Thanks for the help

I bought a maroon clown with most of his right pectoral fin gone. I got her discounted because of it. It grew back in a few weeks. Keep the water quality optimal and add vitamins to his food. I rotate Vitachem and Zoecon.


Active Member
BTW, thanks for serving in the Marines!
If you have these 2 tangs in a 90; I would expect the PB to get after the Kole from time to time; but that can happen in any size tanks. If you have the true powder brown and not the White Cheeked tang (often sold as powder brown); they are not as aggressive as most Acanthurus tangs. But quite often, tangs just don't like tangs---period. IME, most tangs get nipped in the dorsal fin and I think these bites heal surprisingly fast.


Well-Known Member
I have a Kole and a Hippo tang in a 90g, they are like best buds...Both are young, could there be a problem later, if tangs don't like tangs?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower
I have a Kole and a Hippo tang in a 90g, they are like best buds...Both are young, could there be a problem later, if tangs don't like tangs?
IMO & IME; these are fairly mellow tangs and tangs that grow up together usually stay civil. Unlike triggers, where one can go postal, even after several years. Again, IME & IMO, most tang aggression comes out when a new one is introduced. Many grown tangs will not tolerate any new fish, and a new tang is often (not always) a real target.


My LFS has a purple tang that had almost all of its dorsal fin torn off somehow, but now it looks really good. You would have never known it was damaged. That tang became his pet and refuses to sell him =D


Originally Posted by srfisher17
BTW, thanks for serving in the Marines!
If you have these 2 tangs in a 90; I would expect the PB to get after the Kole from time to time; but that can happen in any size tanks. If you have the true powder brown and not the White Cheeked tang (often sold as powder brown); they are not as aggressive as most Acanthurus tangs. But quite often, tangs just don't like tangs---period. IME, most tangs get nipped in the dorsal fin and I think these bites heal surprisingly fast.

Thanks for your appreciation and your help.
By the way, how can I tell if I have a PB or a White Cheek Tang? I thought they were the same fish with multiple names.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sid2003
Thanks for your appreciation and your help.
By the way, how can I tell if I have a PB or a White Cheek Tang? I thought they were the same fish with multiple names.
I was hoping you wouldn't ask. There has been confusion surrounding this fish since I can remember. The two fish involved are Acanthurus japonicus & A. nigicans. A. japonicus is considered a much hardier fish and is the one sold on this site as powder brown. The SWF.com pic isn't great; but A. japonicus has a lot more white on its on its face. I can't post links on the forum; but if you Google (images) the scientific name of both fish, you should find good pics of both. I'd also suggest you find a good online base of SW fish; knowing what you're buying is vital. Bob Fenner's book, "The Conscience Marine Aquarist" (buy a copy) has great side-by-side pics; if I remember right. I'm not sure if the new edition of this book is out, but the original edition is where I remember seeing the pics and my copy is hiding.
Edit: To add to the confusion, I found Ferrer's book and he refers to A. nigricans as the Powder Brown and A. japonicus as the white-faced; but says it is often sold as the PB. He does say that A. japonicus is a much hardier fish.