I have a 75 Gallon with the following:
Coral Beauty Angel
Sailfin Tang
False Percula Clownfish
Scooter Blenny
Engineer Goby
Serpant Star
Condi Anemone
Pink Tip Hatian Anemone
Rock Anemone
Green Bubble Tip Anemone
I really like the Valentini Puffers and Niger Triggers. I would really like ONE of them in my tank, but don't know if they would bother my firefish or not. Does anybody have any ideas? I'll eventually have to get rid of the tang, but it will be in there for a while longer. Also, the engineer goby might be going to another tank. Any advice would be great!
Coral Beauty Angel
Sailfin Tang
False Percula Clownfish
Scooter Blenny
Engineer Goby
Serpant Star
Condi Anemone
Pink Tip Hatian Anemone
Rock Anemone
Green Bubble Tip Anemone
I really like the Valentini Puffers and Niger Triggers. I would really like ONE of them in my tank, but don't know if they would bother my firefish or not. Does anybody have any ideas? I'll eventually have to get rid of the tang, but it will be in there for a while longer. Also, the engineer goby might be going to another tank. Any advice would be great!