Will a Valentini or Niger Trigger Work in my Tank??

I have a 75 Gallon with the following:
Coral Beauty Angel
Sailfin Tang
False Percula Clownfish
Scooter Blenny
Engineer Goby
Serpant Star
Condi Anemone
Pink Tip Hatian Anemone
Rock Anemone
Green Bubble Tip Anemone
I really like the Valentini Puffers and Niger Triggers. I would really like ONE of them in my tank, but don't know if they would bother my firefish or not. Does anybody have any ideas? I'll eventually have to get rid of the tang, but it will be in there for a while longer. Also, the engineer goby might be going to another tank. Any advice would be great!


Active Member
I would say the Valentini Puffer would not be a very safe choice, they tend to pick at any inverts, crustaceans, corals and so on.
Niger Triggers are so often available in the cute little 2 inch size that its easy to forget they grow into a large, red-fanged, foot + long monsters.....They are great fish don't get me wrong, I am on my second one, but these guys belong long term in a larger tank with tankmates capable of defending themselves, Blenny's and Gobies and Clowns don't do so well with a growing Niger Trigger.


Active Member
IMO, there isn't any trigger or puffer that wont lunch on your crabs & hermits. Nigers turn into big, agressive triggers that will eat just about anything, small fish included. I think your anemones would be in trouble with any trigger or puffer as well. You have a tank full of fairly peaceful fish; adding an aggressive carnivore is asking for serious trouble, IMO. I also think you're at about the bio-load limit too. BTW, you must be doing a lot of things right if your anemones are thriving.
All of the anemones are doing well. I make sure they are separated and feed them once a week along with zooplex additions to the tank. I figured the puffer/trigger would be a risk, but figured i'd ask. How do I figure out the bioload and what is too much? I saw a guy's 300 gallon on here (I know 300 is big), but it was PACKED with large fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquariumRookie
All of the anemones are doing well. I make sure they are separated and feed them once a week along with zooplex additions to the tank. I figured the puffer/trigger would be a risk, but figured i'd ask. How do I figure out the bioload and what is too much? I saw a guy's 300 gallon on here (I know 300 is big), but it was PACKED with large fish.
I don't know of any magic formula to calculate bio-load. There are inches of fish per gallon formulas that I consider worthless. There are just too many variables; type of fish, feeding, filtration, skimming, etc, etc. I'd just gather a few opinions, add some common sense, and go from there. I'll admit that I overstock a bit, especially non-reef tanks. When I made the comment; I was trying to picture what you have in a 75 and made an educated guess. I think the sailfin tang, they get huge, probably had a lot to do with my comment. But I'd still stay away from the aggressive fish. Why not look at some of the reef safe wrasse; like fairy or flasher wrasse? IMO, very hardy, beautiful, and peaceful fish. I think one, or a pair, would be great with the fish you have...just my opinion though.
Originally Posted by srfisher17
I don't know of any magic formula to calculate bio-load. There are inches of fish per gallon formulas that I consider worthless. There are just too many variables; type of fish, feeding, filtration, skimming, etc, etc. I'd just gather a few opinions, add some common sense, and go from there. I'll admit that I overstock a bit, especially non-reef tanks. When I made the comment; I was trying to picture what you have in a 75 and made an educated guess. I think the sailfin tang, they get huge, probably had a lot to do with my comment. But I'd still stay away from the aggressive fish. Why not look at some of the reef safe wrasse; like fairy or flasher wrasse? IMO, very hardy, beautiful, and peaceful fish. I think one, or a pair, would be great with the fish you have...just my opinion though.
Sounds good - I have always liked the way wrasses look. I'm gonna have to part with the Sailfin eventually unless I upgrade and it doesn't look that its feasable. I appreciate your advice on everything and will def look into it before I make a decision. I had once planned on corals but I don't think I'm ready for all that yet - especially now that I have a coral beauty.
ok the niger is out of the question because he gets to be 20 inches id say at least a 90g. shoot for anything above 100g u want the animal to have space not just wat he needs and then hes picking at all the other fish cause hes stressed. the valentine puffer - u have enough space but he will eat shrimp and other reef critters so neither if u are in same situations with the puffer.


i have both of those in a 55 gal but there wventually going to a 125g i thought i would neversee my hermits agian when i added these guys but i still have them all


Active Member
Originally Posted by ponyta810
i have both of those in a 55 gal but there wventually going to a 125g i thought i would neversee my hermits agian when i added these guys but i still have them all
For now.