Will a Yellow Tang work here?


New Member
I have a standard 75 gal. fish only tank with 2 clownfish, 1 royal gramma, and 1 coral beauty. There's pleanty of room and all of the fish that I have in there now I've had for a while, they are all in great health. I also want to order a Bubble tip anemone for my clownfish, I have pleanty of lighting and my base consists of crushed coral, will this be sufficient or what else should I purchase before hand?
Thanks again :)


Active Member
How long has the tank been set up without any problems? Do you have a skimmer? Any live rock? Sounds like it should be ok depending on your answers. What is your nitrate level?


New Member
Okay, here is my tank overview...
I have a 350pro magnum filter, along with a Seaclone Protein Skimmer, I have no live rock, in my tank and it's been running problem free for 3 1/2 months now. The NIRATE are at the lowest level on my color chip a 10mg/1(SW). The NITRITE reading is also the lowest level on my color chip at 0.2mg/1(sw).
Thanks, hopefully this will help, any comments?


Active Member
yeah yellows need some good lr with some good algea on it. if you get some of that i think you could have a tan in there. tangs can be quite agressive though so make sure there is plenty of rockwork, etc. for territory. bo