Will an anemone kill my conch?


My fighting conch is motoring around the substrate 24/7, reaching up on the glass and the rocks as high as he can also. If i add an anemone to my tank (not sure which species, suggestions welcome), that finds itself a comfortable spot within reach of the conch's elephant trunk mouth lol, will the anemone kill it off when it first starts touching it? Is there an anemone that would be less likely to kill my inverts? I also have a cleaner shrimp and some nassarius and turbos. Thanks for any input! :happy:


I guess I've never noticed that happen, many corals can sting as well and I never see my hermits get stung.
Go with an aquacultured BTA as they are more than likely going to place there foot up in the rocks and not in the sand. Problem soved.


just found this thread... forgetting that i even posted it 5 years ago. The conch did great for 3 years in my 30 gallon and is still doing great in my 90! Only remaining original member of my livestock when i got into the hobby!