will bubbles help?!?!?!?!


Alright heres the deal, i have heard that that water movement sometimes helps with algae control. I did a little brain storming and i was woundering if i put some kind of bubble strip on the bottom of my tank to create movent throughout the water. My tank is currently about 3 months old i have 2 clown, 2 damsels, 1 crab, 1 shrimp, 1 anenome( mistake i know) and a starfish that i had no idea how to care for and the pet store just wanted my money and its slowley dieing it looks like. Anyway about every 3 days almost the bottom of my tank is covered with green algae hair. My tank is a 44 gallon hexagon corner tank with the 15w quarium lamp that is idea for fish, corals and invertebates, i think the petstore screwed me over on that one again b/c it does not say anenomes and he is shrinking. well anyway if anyone has any suggestions on the bubble strip or anything else please let me know i find this an interesting hobby and plan to pursue it.


Bubble wands/strips are not good for saltwater fish from what I understand. If you do not have a powerhead then I would suggest one of those for sure.
Have you been testing your water parameters? it would help if we could know your salinity, ph, ammonia, nitrites and trates.


Active Member
Bubble wands/strips are not good for saltwater fish from what I understand

thats an Opinion, really people dont use them cause the salt creep issue. some ppl seem to be under the impression that bubles will get in the fish gills....i never have ever heard that, nor i have i even seen where a pro mentions that in books or online. seems to me if u like bubbles and dont mind salt creep i dont see what it would hurt.


Active Member
Bubbles occur all the time in the wild...as mentioned, most do not use them in a marine environment due to the slat build up.
Your algae problem is a common problem in the marine tank. Various nutrients, poor circulation, inaqeduate lighting all can contribute to it.
Hair algae is a very opportunistic micro algae. It will thrive on phosphates, nitrates and other ion's in the water. When the nutrients are depleted...it will die off thus creating its own nutrients to continue to grow.
What type of water do you use? Tap, RO/DI what?
What are your nitrate and phosphate levels?
What type and age is the lighting you use?
There are many ways to combat nusiance algaes. Excellent water conditions, coupled with a natural and strong cleanup crew are the best methods.
What kind of starfish did they sell you? And how have you tried feeding it?
As mentioned...your lighting is inadequate. For a 44 gallon tank, that wouldn't even be sufficient for a freshwater tank.
Provide more information and many will come to your aid.


Active Member
bubbles are not desired in SW
they can be a problem for SOME fish and many inverts, but not necessarily all of them or all the time, definitely a prob for many corals and any sea horses
Add to that the problems with salt creep and we do not add bubble using air stones, but instead rely on surface aggitation to oxygenate the water
IF you need more movement, ad power ehads, NOT air stones or the like
defintiely get different lighting, with or without an anemone(alot more with one)


New Member
I have an anenome (atlantic) and it has been in one of my tanks now for a month.
I have standard lighting and the anenome is doing good. I do feed it fresh fish twice a week. If you give it meaty foods they can survive.
Of course no one cares about MO anymore. Just thought I would post.
BTW Daughter loves my tank. Most of my posts are gone.....


Active Member
Spearfish - keep it to the post at hand. Don't instigate again.
BTW, your anemone is not doing fine. It appears that way for now. Meaty foods will help prolong it's life, but without the proper lighting, it is slowly dying. I give it 6 months to a year max.
I am speaking from experience. Mine died because of that, and I fed regularly.
keperman01 - You really should increase your lighting if you plan to keep anemone's and corals. Kip is right on that.


Would i be able to keep a anemone I have cf 260w on my 55g. My lfs said that would be enough.


Active Member
buzz hit it right on there, they all normally seem fine for a few months with what most of us BELIEVE is ok lighting but in reality they only live for a few months which is a small percentage of what they should live


i have a 125G with dual 250w mh and dual 160w vho. will this set up be good enough for corals and anenome? by the way, dimensions of the tank is 60Lx18Wx24H


sorry it took so long, man thi sucks about my anenome but yea my chocolate star fish is dead i believe. But if anyone could put a good site where i can get a light fixure cheap or somthing that would do this trick for the anenome that would be fantastic. thanks again guys