Will Cigarette Smoke effect a tank?


Considering the foundation of gas exchange involved with the closed tank system, how could the smoke be excluded from the water table?
There was a comment above that mentioned that smoke could not enter the system. I can think of no reason why the smoke would not contaminate the water.
That sort of logic, please this is not a personal flame or pointing fingers but rather a personal observation from a lifetime of dealing with the habit, is like saying "my grandfather smoked for 60yrs and look at him, healthy as ever". Well truth be told, grandpa's generation was taught to keep medical/personal information to themselves, that sort of talk is considered whining. In fact grandpa has been slowly eaten away from his habit, but can't/won't stop.
Sorry OT slightly there.
I believe that without a doubt any airbourne particulates can and are being introduced into all of our tanks everyday. Smoke, which leaves a significant residue, can be considered a promise of funk in the sump.
IMO, based on logic



I've learned that after smoking a cigarette, if you touch the petal of an orchid it will kill it immediately.
I doubt if the smoke would bother the tank, but after learning this about orchids, i would DEFINITELY wash my hands before dipping my hand in a saltwater tank.
btw, i quit smoking two months ago- hooray for me!


Active Member
The original question was "What Ill effects does smoke have on a tank, if any are known?". Most replies are towards that, but a few statements (opinions) towards smokers were uncalled for, IMO. Now, back to the topic---->
I don't have any solid info (never looked into it), but I can imagine that it has some type of effect. What ill effects, for certain, I am not sure, just what I read here.


I dont think there is a problem with smoking, however contaminants on your hands may hurt the tank.


The common rule would be if you can smell it in the air, it is in your tank.
I assume that everyone who responded to this thread does not have a protein skimmer. For those that do not know or maybe forgot, most skimmers have a method of pulling air into the skimmer that would inevitably forces all the pollutants in the air to make direct contact with the water. So, if you will wash your hands before you place them in the tank, shouldn’t the air be clean too?
Next, even if you do not have a skimmer, the surface water makes contact with, um... the air in your house. Do you wish to disagree???
Here is an experiment you may try: get some water that you would drink and place it in a bowel (the more surface area the quicker and greater the effect). Leave the water in an open area for a day, and then have a non-smoker drink it.
Put water in a bowel and leave it in your house for 2 days, and then have a non-smoker drink it. By the third or forth day, the drinker of the water will probably think you are trying to poison them. Not only that, you will also begin to notice a film, sometimes a discoloration of the water the longer the water stays.
One other thing on this note, why don’t you ask your local water company about pesticides in your tap water due to run off. Are not similar chemicals found in the cigarettes that you put in your mouth? Do I really need to say more?
If you still disagree with me and the others, then I suggest you buy a test kit that tests for contaminates. There are many ammonia test kits on the market that also test for contaminates. The test water normally appears cloudy when there is unusual or foreign contaminates in the tested water.
The effects can range from nothing to the extreme circumstance of a system crash. It all depends on the volume of the contaminate in the water.
For those that wish to disagree, that is fine, your tank, and your loss. But let me ask you this-would you smoke in front of a newborn child, or in a hospital, would you fart next to someone on your first date? If you answered yes, maybe you need to ask someone else for further guidance!
:help: It is now quite obvious that reason and common sense have slapped you in the face, and you can not graspe it.