Will Cleaner get eaten by coral banded shrimp?

Has anyone had their cleaner shrimp eaten by a coral banded shrimp? In our 38 gallon tank we have a cleaner shrimp and may want to get a coral banded to eat our bristle worms... Will they duel??


Active Member
Could go either way IMO. Worked for the previous poster, but not for me. Coral Bandeds are pretty agressive, and in a tank that small I don't know if I'd risk it.

bang guy

Once the CB becomes fully mature it will probably eat any Cleaner Shrimp in the tank. Eventually the Cleaner will molt on the same day that the CB is hungry. They won't duel, when the Cleaner molts it will be helpless against a large hungry CB.


Active Member
Yeah, my CBS attacked my cleaner numerous times, with the cleaner escaping minus an antenna or something. After the CBS pulled a nice feather duster out of it's tube and ate it the little guy went in the sump. They're nothing but trouble. I've even seen it go after healthy fish.


Active Member
Yep, my CBS also eats any other shrimp I have put in the tank. i also found out the hard was that pepperment shrimp are no match for a fire shrimp
My fault for not asking


IMO I say stay away from the CBS. Once fully mature these guys get very aggressive. I had one go completely postal in my tank. Over a 2 month period it killed the cleaner Shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, and believe it or not 2 small Percula clowns.
It would attack the fish when they were distracted and trying to eat. I actually witnessed the CBS catch one of the clowns and drag it behind the rocks. I saved the clown that day but by the end of the week both clowns were gone. I tried many times to catch the CBS and take him out. I finally got him when I took everything out to moved my tank. The tank is a much safer place these days with out him.


Active Member
Yes, he will in due time. I have a 55g with 100 lbs of LR, and I learned the hard way. I lost 3 cleaners to my CBS. They kept disappearing soon after I introduced the cleaners, and I couldn't figure out why? Until finally one night while the moonlights were on I caught the CBS in the act with a dead cleaner in his claws . Needless to say the CBS is no longer is a member of my tank. They are evil little guys IMO...


I have a coral banded, who is a psychotic killer, and has taken down two hermit crabs now, and my strawberry pseudochromis, but he seems to leave my cleaner alone, although he does chase him sometimes.