Will cleaner shrimp carry ick to a new tank?


I have two cleaner shrimp in a tank that was infected with ick. I no longer have fish in the infected tank and would like to know if I can safely transfer the two cleaner shrimp to my 120 or if I need to wait a month until the ick has died off in the tank.
Thanks in advance



Originally posted by flipper263
I have two cleaner shrimp in a tank that was infected with ick. I no longer have fish in the infected tank and would like to know if I can safely transfer the two cleaner shrimp to my 120 or if I need to wait a month until the ick has died off in the tank.
Thanks in advance

My understanding was that ick doesn't host on inverts. I would think that it's ok. Let others reply though.


i've actually heard of ich and other bacteria/parasites that could linger in the shells of snails and what not.. especially since snails have such a long internal cavity, ich or other stuff could be transferred.. regarding shrimps.. it's a possibility but not certain..


New Member
Quarantine the shrimp for 30 days first. I just lost my favorite puffer to the worst case of ich after introducing a cleaner shrimp without quarantining the shrimp first. For two days everything was fine, then within 3 hours he was covered and in respiratory distress. It was extremely sad. Now I regret buying the shrimp.