Will copepods breed in rubble rock pile in my sump?


Im trying to get a population of copepods going for my mandarin that i plan on getting a couple of months from now. I put about 5 lbs. of rubble rock in my sump to basically try to start a breeding ground for pods. Will that work? I don't have any macro plants or sand in the sump just rubble rock and bare bottom.


yeah, soon there will be a ton in there. Get some chaeto too, and place it right on top of or next to the rocks, and the population will rise super fast.


I've tried to grow cheato twice and for some reason it just doesn't grow. Some people tell me low flow so people tell me high.


Originally Posted by jfingers088
Im trying to get a population of copepods going for my mandarin that i plan on getting a couple of months from now. I put about 5 lbs. of rubble rock in my sump to basically try to start a breeding ground for pods. Will that work? I don't have any macro plants or sand in the sump just rubble rock and bare bottom.
You can give it a head start by buying a small bottle of live pods.


are actually a great choice if you're looking into breeding and starting a renewable population of copepods.
Plus there are three various types in there for variety that cover the spectrum of protein necessary for your fish livestock.


New Member
FWIW....I noticed you have a 90 gallon tank. Do you have plenty of live rock, and is your substrate appropriate (at lest a couple inches deep)? Or are you going bare-bottom? If you have a 90 gallon tank, live rock and sand, you aren't going to need to 'raise' copepods or amphipods...they will do that themselves. Especially since you noted that you were waiting a 'couple months' to add the mandarin. GOOD FOR YOU!!!! Most people lose them because they add them way too early, and the population of foods is not yet established (this by the way is assuming you don't have a bunch of other copepod predators already).
If, however, you want to raise more in your filter and have the space to put in a bit of rubble rock....then YES they will breed in there. Here's a great trick to feed pods to your fish that people don't want you to know about
Most pods LOVE PVC tubing! HA! It's true. Raised them for years and years by simply placing 2-4 inch pieces of PVC tubing in dark areas such as the sump around rubble rock. I use 1/2" PVC for this. When I want to feed them to the fish I simple pick up a piece with my fingers over the ends, cary it up to my tank and use a bottle brush to brush hudreds and hudreds into the tank from the inside of just a few pieces of old 1/2" PVC pipe. Of course, my mandarins have never ever gotten any of this because they 'prey' and 'hunt' amongst the rock rather than trying to catch free swimming pods. My other fish, however, like it a lot.
Hope that helps. God bless......


Thats a great trick EX. I will start doing that. I keep a spnge in my filter area (also works great). Besides the filter sponge. Every time I clean my filter sponge a few 1/4 inchers pop out (I call it a copepod rescue mission every time), but I like the sound of the tube.