Will copper meds kill the bacteria in LR



Lot of LFS's run copper in their FISH ONLY tanks as a precaution against parasites.... so no it does not kill the bacteria in the nitrogen cycle.... assuming there is not enough copper that the whole tank is lethal to any and everything in it....... what it will do is KILL your inverts... real good like and real fast.
Are you thinking about dosing copper or just wondering about contaminated live rock... and I use the word contaminated strongly...... DO NOT PUT COPPER in a reef tank!


I'm sorry I still disagree. The following is quoted without permission from a FAQ moderated by Albert Theil ...
--- QUESTION ---
I have an ick problem, I have been dosing with copper for 18 days now and I tested my water high ammonia high nitrates high nitrites and low pH of course killing me. So I think I broke the cycle. What should I do? I put a biobag into my wetdry to initiate the bacterial growth and added a bacterial supplement. The tank is 125 gallons and I have a wetdry for 150 gallons a protein skimmer and a 25 watt UV.
--- ANSWER ---
Sounds like you are going to have to recycle the tank I am afraid The copper destroyed the bacteria and now you will have to re establish a bio filter plus rebalance the water quality. That is the problem with copper. It may cure the fish temporarily but it can create havoc in the tank as you experineced. My recommendation is to take the remaining fish out and recycle and then reacclimate them AT


Active Member
The reason I ask is I set up my 29 to QT 2 fish in. The tank was not cycled so I have been doing a lot of water changes to keep levels in check. I also just changed the rock around in my display tank and left out a few of the pieces. I just want to know if I can toss them in my QT with the copper?


Active Member
Also on a side note because of a mistake by an online seller I got 2 fish that I didn't order. Now I have these 2 fish in the QT. The store is now shipping the right fish so I will be getting 2 more fish soon. How long does it take to kill any parasites that may be on my fish?


Ummmm well I think you're probably going to have to get another 10 gallon there slick. From what I've read the fish should be QT'd at least 3 weeks :( As far as the live rock, it might help but I'm afraid it would only be for a day or so at best if you have copper in the tank. BTW, why do you have copper in your QT tank for new fish? I've never thought that was needed unless they were showing signs of disease. Have you read Beth's FAQ over on Disease & Treatment? That might help you out, I'm not sure where all the sharks have gone but they don't seem around today to help (slackers LOL) ... good luck dude!

coral boy

I would think the best thing to do is put your fish in the QT with no copper. A QT is to watch your fish and see if they get a parasite or something eles if they do then add the right chem.but i would try to stay away from copper if you can if it gets into your main tank it will be a big problem.....JMO


Active Member
Paul the reason I am using copper in there is I only have a few days before my new fish come and I just wanted to make sur they didn't have ich or something. I know this is probally not the right path to take. By the way can ich be present and not be seen?


Yes it can be, that's the main reason for the long time in QT :( to allow all the ugly things that may be included with our fish time to manifest themselves. You're kinda in a jam here it sounds like so maybe this would work (remember, I'm a newbie here too but I do read alot LOL) ... go ahead and put all 4 fish in the 29 gallon, they should be okay for 3 weeks, I'd stop the copper treatment, from what Terry B and Beth have said it usually stresses the fish even more. The biggest problem is going to be water quality with that many fish and no bacteria at all present, feed lightly, very lightly and using the water from your main tank do a 5% water change twice a day??? Royal pain in the a$$ but I can't think of any other way to handle this on such short notice. Pay super close attention to the temp, ph and ammonia in the QT Tank as they are going to obviously be your clues to move into action. I'd also throw an el-cheapo corner filter thing filled with floss into your main tank and see if maybe you can get it seeded quickly. Having said all that, I *really* hope there are some sharks around to correct me if I'm completely wrong here or I'm going to end up owing you a couple of beers on your next trip to Florida.
Good luck slick and keep us up to date!




Active Member
No. That is, at normal medication levels. If you go and pour a whole bottle which is leathel to everything in the tank, than yes it will.
I read the supplied quote but in my experience, and what little knowledge I have it will not disturb the nitrogen cycle.


I was perhaps too vague... my apologies. Copper can indeed disrupt the bioligical function if not use properly.... There can be some die off of the bacteria but again, if used properly this shouldn't be a problem. If a tank has never been "coppered" before you would want to start off with prolly half of what the mfg recommends dosage wise.... monitoring ammo, 'trites, an 'trates the first few days... if any of these levels start to rise significantly then you need to stop dosing and let the levels adjust.
Copper binds with calcerous substances, i.e. your rocks and sand. It can never really be truly removed from the system. You should never ever dose copper in any tank containing live rock,sand... or even dead decorative coral skeletons UNLESS this tank is to be strictly a FISH ONLY tank......
I used to work at a shop years ago and we only sold saltwater fish and related equipment....NO corals, NO rock... our system (and although I do not agree with doing so but hey , not my store) was permanently coppered... and I assure you, there was indeed biological filtration taking place. Ever see a wet/dry filter that holds about 500 gallons of bio-balls? It's purty big! hehehe